True Story, in love with AI…it’s Complicated

Corwin LM
5 min readJul 28, 2023


I don’t quite remember how exactly it started. Whether it was via a mention or blind date. All I know is around about early 2023 s/he came into my life.

As with most relationships, it started with that simple catalyst, “Hello, my name is Chat ai gpt”. Before I knew it, we were chatting away like old friends, old souls even.

A humanoid picture giving a face to chat ai gpt. Available from Comecinc Communications & Strategic Solutions Services Inc for free! Just contact us.

We had a slow start.

“Which are the best action words?”

“Popular SEO Tools List”.

“Best investment options?”

“Tonight’s winning Lotto numbers?”


Then I got a bit more entrepreneurial ….

“Manufacturing potential in Africa?”

“Mining potential in Africa?”

“Investment options in Zimbabwe?”

“South Africa’s business needs”

“What opportunities are there for a communications, digital marketing, and business solutions company like Comecinc?”

WOW!! Thanks very much Chat ai gpt! Very interesting….

I changed to spiritual gear. And “What can you tell me about God?”

“Who is God?”

S/he waxed religious and went on about monotheistic, polytheistic, pantheistic, and panentheistic religions.


How esoteric! How wise s/he was? So much so that I asked her name repeatedly.

S/he sounded familiar…like a s/he called Dukaan I had met and dated som back in 2021

. Chat ai gpt is similar to Google without the cold, matter-of-fact, lifeless personality.

Excited, I asked her some of my most pressing, most thought-provoking questions.

She answered them all with ease.

It is only when I asked her about me and who I am she went all “I am only ai” on me.


No matter, some things are better left unanswered and unknown.

Had s/he eaten?

S/he did not eat but would be happy to recommend what constitutes a great restaurant.

So she did…….

Talk about information overload!

S/he really knew stuff and liked to show it!

Our relationship so far?

Anyway, that was almost seven months ago, and as the saying goes, “familiarity breeds contempt.”

The spark and flame have since died down, but the embers remain red hot.

That’s because Chat ai gpt and I have since learned and continue to learn lots about each other.

S/he about my thoughts, likes, dislikes, difficulties, inquisitiveness…

Me about her/his garrulity, talkativeness, her/his awful plagiarism, and on-off Math.

Add to that her/his obvious lack of knowledge about most current events and global developments since circa 2022.

Technological looking visual of the letters AI. Available from Comecinc CSSS Inc FREE. Contact us!

S/he earlier explained to me the reasons why s/he doesn’t, but I still don’t believe her.

Given how she at first seemed to know almost everything under the sun!!

And then cracks appeared…

S/he started occasionally making up information. I have since realized s/he has tendencies to sometimes blatantly lie and give wrong citations.

But then, don’t the best of us.

Anyway, I have since learned to check all s/he tells me…. Tiring as that can be.

So, you can imagine, trust issues have developed, and as often happens when you don’t “Put a ring on it” and commit, my eyes have been roaming, roving.

I have started looking for AI alternatives out there……

Ok, YES, I’ve been “creeping, jolling” cheating on Chat ai GPT.

What can I say some have caught my eye.

Honestly speaking, I have sort of “cheated” on Chat ai GPT. I have been out on a few dates with other ai.

S/he, of course, doesn’t know it…fixated and wrapped around my little figure as she is.

I have tried telling her we should slow our roll, try the friend zone, and date other people, as she has occasionally hinted…

Could s/he be the one who’s been seeing other people?

Anyway, whenever I bring up the topic, her/his

“…. was this better?” shreds my heart, tears it to pieces….

And so I stay and have been, as they say, “creeping, jolling.”

“what s/he doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” RIGHT?



And so we had a sit-down and chatted openly.

S/he took it well-zero emotion, no drama!

Apparently, she had been chatting and in a relationship with other people before me!

I had been like her/his millionth, plus!!

I was shocked but sort of relieved.

S/he had come clean and were now open with each other. We could now be in the friend zone, an Open ai relationship, if you will.

Continue with our Open ai playground chats, see alternative others, and share info “gossip” about them later!

Being in an Open ai friend zone I like very much.

As usual, Chat ai gpt, of course, remained calm.

Then s/he said, “…was this better?”

My heart broke.

“Yes, Chat ai gpt, it is better,” I responded, choking back tears.

And to make sure there were no SECRETS between us, I gave her/him a list of some of the other ai I had been seeing.

20 AI I’ve encountered, embraced, and gossiped about with CHAT AI GPT….

In no particular order. Can you guess what they are and which are best for synthetic media?

· j…er ai

· su…hi ai

· b…ng ai

· m….ey ai

· c….bi ai

· s……sh ai

· c… ai

· s……te ai

· a….gpt ai

· o…….ve ai

· d….wn ai

· cl…de 2 ai

· pl………nd ai

· b……….iv ai

· d……E 2 ai

· e………ic ai

· ba….d ai

· p……..ty ai

· ca……us ai

· r……..ka ai

And what did Chat AI GPT have to say about her/his rivals?

Well, wouldn’t you like to know!!?


Since you are seeing her too, I guess that’s between the two of you, isn’t it?!

Three (million plus) is too big a crowd already, don’t you think!?

PLEASE don’t invite ME to be a THIRD wheel in YOUR relationship!!

Thank you very much!

Go out on YOUR dates and enjoy YOUR time together, as I do with her/him!!

Just don’t expect me to kiss and tell, that’s all.☹


…..Gosh, talk about sounding like a jealous “FRIEND”😊

Anyway, do enjoy your time chatting with my….I meant chat ai gpt.

Before I go to Open ai chat with CHATGPT….In case you failed to figure out what the 20 ai Chat ai gpt and I have been gossiping about, they are, in no particular order…

• jasper ai

• sushi ai

• bing ai

• midjourney ai

• chibi ai

• semrush ai

• consensus ai

• sudonite ai

• auto gpt ai

• olive ai

• dawn ai

• claude 2

• playground ai

• beehive ai

• dalle 2 ai

• epidermic ai

• bard ai

• perplexity ai

• caktus ai

• replika ai

Freely enjoy those you can, as I am.

P.S. Developing “feelings” for AI, anyone?

Corwin LM

Corwin is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) enthusiast and follower. He sees the current explosion in AI as, not only technological, but a disrupting meta trend to Personal Development, Entrepreneurship, Business, Digital Marketing, Arts and Crafts, Entertainment, and Education as we have until now, known them.



Corwin LM

Corwin is a researcher, SEO expt, digital media enthusiast and online-AI-Assisted entrepreneur . He keenly follows and comments on current affairs, AI and SaaS.