The Web Scraping trends for 2023

Cory james
6 min readFeb 13, 2023


scraping trends

The term web scraping describes an array of techniques for gathering online data. In most cases, this is accomplished by software that emulates human Web surfing in order to collect certain pieces of data from various websites. The tools are often used by people who wish to collect information for resale or for promotional purposes on a website.

In 2023, web scraping will be critical to realising the web’s full potential. Web scraping is paving the way for applied data in 2023, from AI to e-commerce. Web scraping has been a common approach for obtaining structured data from web pages throughout the years. Automating web data extraction is critical to realising the web’s full potential and making efficient use of the vast amount of data accumulated on the internet. This is still the case in 2023. In this post, we’ll look at the world of modern data extraction in order to see what chances and risks web scraping might face in 2023.

Scraping e-commerce in 2023

The growing availability of online data is hastening the adoption of data-driven decision-making processes by firms, which are anticipated to be 19 times more profitable and 52 per cent better at understanding their customers. Web scraping is therefore critical for data-driven organisations, especially online e-commerce platforms that use publicly available data to research competitors, follow customers, and generate leads. Fortunately, e-commerce businesses can undertake modern market research and competitor monitoring online using a range of web scraping methods.

Effective data-collection strategies are crucial for every company trying to reach the top of its market in today’s increasingly data-driven world. The rise of big data and its related companies have a direct impact on the demand for dependable and scalable web scraping solutions capable of pulling huge amounts of data from the web. Web scraping, in other words, appears to have a promising future.

What is the status of web scraping in terms of legality?

Scraping websites is legal, and it will stay so in 2023. However, there are still some misconceptions and rumours about the legality of web scraping. Scraping websites is not unlawful in and of itself, provided the information obtained is not used for unethical purposes. Even though online crawling was frowned upon by the data’s owners, judges did not find a legitimate basis to rule against the crawlers in many legal situations where firms were utilising web crawlers to harvest competition’s public data. In the case of eBay vs Bidder’s Edge, an auction data aggregator that crawled eBay’s data using a proxy, the judge found Bidder’s Edge not guilty of violating federal hacking statutes.

Web scraping, on the other hand, is considered illegal if it results in either direct or indirect copyright infringement, as in the case of Facebook vs Power Ventures. Web scraping and the use of web scraping tools are not unlawful, but they have been limited in the last ten years by privacy legislation such as the General Data Protection Regulations, which limit the crawl rate for a website (GDPR).

In short, the answer appears to be yes if it involves scraping publicly available data, scraping does not hurt the scraped organisation, scraped data does not include personal data and scraped material is republished with a citation. However, this is not legal advice, and you should seek particular guidance from a lawyer.

The rise of anti-bot protections in 2023

Anti-scraping defences are growing more sophisticated, and dealing with them is now more than ever an important part of the process of designing efficient and scalable scraping solutions. Advanced anti-scraping techniques like user behaviour analysis and browser fingerprinting are sometimes used in conjunction with more traditional anti-scraping measures like IP rate limiting and HTTP request analysis. So, how can you avoid getting stuck while scraping?

Websites rely extensively on fingerprinting-based detection, collecting enormous amounts of data about users’ devices, operating systems, and browsers. Dealing with advanced fingerprinting-based tracking techniques usually necessitates a lot of trial-and-error testing, which resulted in the banning of several proxies, raising the maintenance and development expenses of web scraping solutions significantly.

Despite the new challenges, web scrapers are still able to rapidly adapt to new circumstances and stay one step ahead of the most advanced anti-bot methods in 2023. Novel technologies, such as Crawlbase, are capable of creating realistic browser fingerprints and matching headers to make bots appear to be real human users and not get blocked.

Web scraping frameworks and libraries to watch for in 2023

Python and Node.js continue to rule the web scraping world. However, in terms of scalability and the capacity to bypass anti-scraping methods in large-scale applications, Node.js has slowly gained ground on Python.


  • Requests is a popular HTTP Python library. Its popularity hasn’t waned in 2023, with over 1,000,000 repositories relying on it. In Python, the requests library is the de facto standard for sending HTTP requests. It hides the difficulties of making requests behind a beautiful, simple API, allowing you to concentrate on interacting with services and consuming data in your app.
  • Beautiful Soup, a Python module for extracting HTML and XML elements from the web, is the best option for simple tasks. Beautiful Soup’s user-friendliness is one of the key reasons it continues to be the best web scraping tool for novices. It integrates with your preferred parser to offer idiomatic navigation, search, and modification of the parse tree. It is normal for programmers to save hours or even days of effort.
  • Scrapy is A collaborative and open-source platform for extracting data from websites. Because of its efficiency and feature set, Python remains the go-to choice for large-scale scraping applications due to its speed, simplicity, and extensibility.


  • Got scraping is a Got HTTP client package extension that provides out-of-the-box solutions to meet typical issues in modern online scraping and circumvent anti-scraping measures.
  • Cheerio is a popular Node.js tool for parsing HTML and XML, with over 23k stars on GitHub. It’s quick, adaptable, and simple to use. If you’re already familiar with JQuery, it’s simple to start using Cheerio because it implements a subset of it. Cheerio is distinct from a web browser in that it does not provide visual rendering, load CSS, load external resources, or run JavaScript. It does nothing more than parse markup and gives an API for altering the data structure that results. That helps to explain why it’s so quick.

The best browser automation tools for web scraping in 2023

Browser automation technologies are essential for scraping dynamic websites since they can render JavaScript on a web page. This is a useful feature, as many current websites, particularly those in the e-commerce industry, employ JavaScript to dynamically load their content.

  • Selenium is a web testing tool that has also been used as a web scraper off the beaten path. Selenium is popular among Python programmers, although it is also available in JavaScript (Node.js), Python, Ruby, Java, Kotlin, and C#.
  • Puppeteer is a Node.js library developed & maintained by Google. It provides a high-level API for programmatically manipulating the Chrome browser. Puppeteer is used for automated testing and process automation in addition to web scraping.
  • Playwright is a fresh library in the web automation field, but it’s quickly gaining popularity among developers. Playwright is becoming the ideal choice for web scraping and browser automation in 2023, thanks to its modern features, cross-browser, multi-language compatibility, and ease of use.


Scraping has devolved into a cat-and-mouse game between content owners and scrapers, with each side investing billions in defeating the other’s countermeasures. Both parties are expected to use machine learning to develop more powerful systems. Open source is becoming more prevalent in software development, and this is no exception. As previously said, Python’s popularity is growing and is already pretty high. In the near future, we expect Python-based open-source libraries like Selenium, Scrapy, and Beautiful Soup to shape web crawling workflows.

