5 Easy Ways to Lose Weight and Live Healthy

Nicole Nave
3 min readMar 17, 2017


Think about how many times you sit down to watch television and you are flooded with all sorts of infomercials that are blasting you with the latest body sculpting, abdominal crunches, miracle worker machines and fat burning methods. No matter what it is that you see, the chances are good that you will be angry at yourself for even tossing a single piece of popcorn in your mouth as a snack.

The best advice that anyone could take is trying not to rush off for the latest fad diets and gimmicks that come out. The real secret that you need to remember for losing weight is simply eating less.

Never deprive yourself

You never want to end up feeling hungry or deprives, as drastically cutting back on calories can slow your metabolism down by pushing your system into what is known as famine mode.

Try not to count all of your calories. Instead, just eyeball the portion sizes. If you are looking to cut back on your calorie intake each day from roughly 2,500 to 2,000, you should work on cutting back your portion sizing by roughly 20%.

Within a few weeks, you will end up adjusted to the newer serving sizes so they seem normal. Just be sure that you are eating deliciously and well.

Each diet routine should allow you an occasional treat and a nice meal out at a restaurant. You need to eat delicious food, just in smaller portions. Obviously, fudge brownies and cream sauces at each meal will end up putting a damper on your weight loss goals. So, learn to enjoy ordinary foods right along with your delicacy favorites.

Always eat your calories, never drink them

Did you know that some cans of soda can have 150 calories inside? When you have several per day, those calories are really going to be adding up. When you add in juices, commercial beverages and all of those sugary lattes in your diet, you will need a calculator to tally up all of the calories that never do anything when it comes to making you feel satisfied. Try to stick to water and tea so that you can get your calories from foods that are more satisfying.

Exercise will be a perfect partner

You will find that your diet will be a lot more successful when you put it together with a regular exercise routine. Approach exercise and your diet plan with a focus on how you are feeling and looking, not on the numbers on the scale. Think in the inches you are losing, not the pounds. Remember that your muscle will always weigh more than fat.

Make your meals last

You need to remember that you need some chewing satisfaction, as this can make you feel like you have accomplished a great meal. While protein bars may have the nutrients you need at a lower calorie ratio, you can eat them in a matter of seconds. You should never be using nutrition bars as a meal, or even as a mini-meal.

You will be satiated if you are eating your meals slowly and completely right down to the last bite

Easy weight loss is possible for everyone. Diets do not work, you have to be able to make changes to the way in which you are eating. Watch the portion sizes, stay away from the sugary drinks and eat slowly while exercising regularly. You will see the results you are looking for! For more information on weight loss take a look at the blog @ http://phen375australia.info/

