Dear Woman , You Are Powerful

Aura A.
4 min readAug 3, 2022

You will be fine without them

Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash

Don’t let anyone to tell you who you are

I see a lot of beautiful women that are accepting miserable behaviours from their partners , only because the society says that is alright. No , is not alright to be treated bad , when you are trying to do your best. The society , even social media is telling women how to be. Really? You are telling me how to look,act,speak, dress but you are not living my life.

They are telling to us that abuse is alright , is just a mistake and we should forgive this , because everybody make’s mistakes.

They are telling us to transform our body to look like models or influencers, otherwise no one is going to like us.

They are telling us to keep our mouth shut , because we don’t have enough power to decide

When a woman is in love , she will forgive everything

When women loves , they love with all their heart. Sometimes this is a problem , because most of the men are using this as a weakness and they know that we are going to forgive everything , because we love them.

When a woman is in love she can forgive a bad behaviour , ugly words, absent actions, even abuse or cheating… Even that she doesn’t like…

