2022 Mars in Gemini gives a much-needed energy boost

Cosmic Cannibal
3 min readAug 19, 2022


For the past two or so months, the pace of life has a steady plod, thanks to Mars in Taurus, but a head-spinning change-of-pace is heading our way: On Aug. 20, action planet Mars enters versatile air sign Gemini, promising a tailspin of activity until March 26, 2023.

Yes, you read that right: Mars is transiting Gemini from now until March 2023! That’s seven months! And how is this seven-month-long stint even a thing? Simple: On Oct. 25, Mars stations retrograde in Gemini, continuing to moonwalk through the mutable air sign in November and December, before stationing direct in January 2023.

Whew. Of course, now is the point in the article when I tell you what, exactly, Mars in Gemini is gonna do and bring to your life. Here goes…

Have you ever been so sleep deprived yet busy, that you had to guzzle a massive cup of coffee so you could get the physical and mental energy you needed to tackle your numerous to-dos? That’s pretty much the vibe of Mars in Gemini. Here’s why:

The keyword for Mars is activation. Mars is the planet of war, desire, and aggression; it rules over energy, passion, movement, and self-assertion. Mars transits describe how we collectively express our energy, passions, and how we assert ourselves. Now, Gemini is all about communication, curiosity, versatility, imagination, and change. When you combine the above Gemini traits with the aforementioned activating powers of Mars, our curiosity, versatility, and need for change and chit-chats are hella activated.

During Mars in Gemini, we gallop towards new experiences, are eager to talk about what we learn, and want to be and stay on the go. We also love brainstorming and making new connections. Our heads spin with new ideas, new pursuits, and new goals (because Mars is also the planet of aims and goals). Basically, from now through March 2023, we’ll be flitting about and flirting with new concepts, plans, and people, without having to commit ourselves to any one person or thing.

Sounds good, right? It is! Until you ponder the coffee metaphor from before.

What happens when you guzzle a huge cup of coffee and get that surge of caffeine? You are vivified and oh-so ready to: make flashcards for your Chemistry quiz, redecorate your room, schedule a Zoom meeting with your coworkers, write that discussion board post that was due three weeks ago, text your sister/brother/aunt… Then the caffeine wears off, and suddenly you’re surrounded by a multitude of unfinished projects and unwanted engagements. And since you got yourself mentally worked up with all that writing and talking, you just crash.

So, yeah. 2022 Mars in Gemini definitely has its pros and cons.

As much as Mars in Gemini may feel like a breath of fresh air, it could also feel like a juggling trick gone bad. All the goals and projects and ideas in the air require our energy and drive, and if we look away from them even for a second, they could topple over us. So, try to be mindful about how and where you expel your energy. Needless to say, overstimulation, nerviness, and agitation are unavoidable during Mars in Gemini–but hey, at least we won’t be bored!



Cosmic Cannibal

Snarky-yet-savvy #Gemini astrology #writer of horoscopes, satiriscopes & fiction. I'm all about planets, signs, & pop culture. https://linktr.ee/CosmicCannibal