Cosmic Weather Forecast: 2022 Leo Season

Cosmic Cannibal
4 min readJul 21, 2022


Say au revoir to the weepy, whimsical and shrinking-violet ways of Cancer season and let your inner exhibitionist come out and play: On July 22, the Sun shifts into the feisty, fun and so freaking fabulous fire sign Leo.

Leo season, which runs from July 22 through Aug. 21, is a season of pride, confidence, showmanship and charisma. It’s also a time for vanity, arrogance, hot-headedness and force.

With the Sun in the Royal sign of the Lion, you want to be not just seen, but also recognized and applauded. Which is why everything done during Leo season is done with purpose and flair. You don’t just go to the beach in a swimsuit during Leo season, you go in a star-studded bikini with gold-plated shades and a leopard print parasol. You’ll do just about anything to catch people’s eye and grab their attention. (Click here to read why.)

Here’s a list of super-showy and extra confident Leo celebs:

  • Madonna and Sean Penn
  • Dua Lipa and Kylie Jenner
  • Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck
  • Ginger Spice and Miss Cleo

Naturally, this is a great time of the year for self-promotion and purposeful (albeit slightly pompous) moves towards your desires. If you’re aiming to be the next social media star or top Medium writer, now’s the time to lay it all out on the line and risk being seen in your glory.

That doesn’t mean you can’t have fun or do creative things during 2022 Leo season. In fact, Leo is the sign of arts and entertainment. (Don’t believe me? Check out “Leo: the Headliner”, my ebook on the fire sign.) So, in between your promos, cameos and red carpet appearances, you should let your hair down and get creative: Act, sing, dance or just be straight up dramatic and self-involved simply for the entertainment of others.

Of course when and how you’ll become a star or dabble in drama depends entirely on this season’s transit. So, without further ado:

Your Cosmic Weather Forecast for 2022 Leo Season

You can expect mostly sunny skies during the next 30 days, except on July 28.

OK. Maybe July 28 won’t be so bad. What, with the new moon in Leo, which will likely stir up one or more unexpected opportunities for writing, communication and/or social media (thanks to the square between mind planet Mercury and freedom-fighter planet Uranus), while also imbuing you with a sense of luck, opportunism and joie de vivre (thanks to the close trine from oh-so-happy planet Jupiter), but Jupiter in Aries also stations retrograde on July 28.

Now, if you’ve been as immersed in astrology as I have, then you know that retrograde cycles suck ass. Although, 2022 retrograde Jupiter might not be that bad. In fact, it might be a great time to take a good, long look at your goals, values and beliefs and ask yourself why you’re pursuing them / honoring them / believing in them. Just a thought.

And speaking of thoughts… your thoughts and communications are in for a shift on Aug. 4, when Mercury enters cautious-yet-critical and oh-so methodical earth sign . You can look forward to an increase in anxiety and careful consideration as you become more OCD about grammar, punctuation and the lucidity of the email message your boss just sent.

Aug. 11 has another two-for-one special on transits (or is it a BOGO deal? Hmmm…) First, love-and-money planet Venus enters feisty-n-fierce Leo, fixing your heart and wallet on all the lovely things that make you feel like a celeb. Your craving for high-priced beauty items, leopard-print fashions and hot-n-heavy romance will be at an all-time high.

And what better way to channel your lust for that lap of luxury than a manifestation thingy on the Aquarius full moon? (This is the other transit in the Aug. 11 two-for-one-transit deal.)

Saturn is in close conjunction to this full moon, so it’s a good day to get your head straight and figure out a plan for your long-term hopes and dreams. Oh, but the close square from Uranus could provoke you to mount a rebellion in your life and disrupt your own forward progress. (Here’s a tip: try to not do that; instead know that any emotional outbursts or sudden change of plans will just look and feel stupid.)

By Aug. 20, action planet Mars enters airy Gemini, helping us to scatter our energies and only find motivation in conversation and seeking out new information. Geminis like myself-and you, if you’re a Gemini -as well as the other air signs (Libra, Aquarius) will revel in this transit because it puts an emphasis on mental energy, idea-making and movement.

Really, we’ll all need this burst of fresh air energy of 2022 Mars in Gemini as we head into the nose-to-the-grindstone time of year otherwise known as Virgo season. Oh, but that’s eons away! For now, enjoy basking in the sunny spotlight during 2022 Leo season.


Want more astro-logic from Cosmic Cannibal? Check out my podcast, Cosmic Chronicles: Astrology with Cosmic Cannibal, follow me on TikTok, Instagram and Medium, and get yourself a copy of my book, The Zodiac Abstract.

Originally published at on July 21, 2022.



Cosmic Cannibal

Snarky-yet-savvy #Gemini astrology #writer of horoscopes, satiriscopes & fiction. I'm all about planets, signs, & pop culture.