The Pathway to Lucid Dreaming: An Enlightened Approach

Cosmic Iron
3 min readJun 29, 2024

For those yet unacquainted with the marvel of lucid dreaming, there exists a straightforward technique to initiate this profound experience:

Set an alarm to rouse you from your slumber about four hours after you have drifted off. Upon awakening, devote approximately thirty minutes to immerse yourself in the study of lucid dreaming. This may include reading scholarly articles or engaging in discussions on specialized forums. Once this half-hour of contemplation is complete, return to the embrace of your dreams. In the sleep cycle that follows, you are likely to enter the mystical state of a lucid dream.

Though this method proves effective, it is not without its challenges for sustained practice. For those whose passion for exploring the realm of lucid dreams runs deep, seeking mastery over this art, the technique known as SSILD (Senses Initiated Lucid Dream), or “Tai Xuan Gong” as it is affectionately termed in Chinese, offers a more profound avenue.

The inception of a lucid dream parallels the delicate art of peeling a hard-boiled egg. Envision gently rolling the egg upon a table, inducing the shell to fracture and the membrane to part from the albumen, thus facilitating the peeling process. Similarly, when one achieves the appropriate harmony between mind and body, the ‘dream body’ emerges with ease from the confines of the physical form, embarking on what many cultures describe as astral projection, soul travel, or an out-of-body experience. Though these terms may evoke wonder or apprehension, rest assured, they merely describe facets of what modern science identifies as higher states of consciousness.

Once the harmonious state is achieved, lucid dreaming unfurls naturally; without it, endeavors remain fruitless. Many methods proliferating online, even those steeped in tradition, miss this crucial insight. They propose laborious techniques, oblivious to the fact that the true shortcut is in effectively nurturing this state. The grand path, however, is supremely simple and can be illuminated in mere sentences.

The Specific Method:

  1. Upon awakening in the night’s quiet hours, make a visit to the restroom. Resist the urge to hasten back to your rest; instead, allow yourself a few moments of wakefulness.
  2. Return to your bed and seek a posture of comfort. With your eyes gently closed, contemplate the darkness that unfolds before you for about 15–20 seconds. Subsequently, shift your focus to your ears, attuning to the ambient sounds or the rhythm of your own breathing for another 15–20 seconds. Finally, direct your awareness to a part of your body — any part will suffice, or even contemplate the entirety of your being — for 15–20 seconds.
  3. Repeat the above steps at least twice. This is akin to “massaging the egg” — the longer you nurture, the more pliable the shell becomes. Yet, moderation is key; excessive effort may disturb your slumber. If lucid dreaming eludes you tonight, tomorrow offers another opportunity. It is perfectly acceptable to drift to sleep during this practice; indeed, it is a beneficial state for this journey.
  4. After your “massage,” settle into a position conducive to deep sleep, gently affirming your intention to venture into lucid dreaming shortly.

This passage delineates the core principles of the SSILD technique. By faithfully following these steps, you significantly enhance your likelihood of embarking on a lucid dream in the sleep that follows. Though an element of chance remains, integrating this method with meticulously applied DEILD techniques can elevate your success rate to near perfection. This synergy of practices is a profound topic, deserving its own dedicated exploration, which I shall address in a forthcoming article.

At such a juncture, you will discover that the states of human consciousness are so intricate and expansive that they surpass the mere concept of “lucid dreaming.” You will explore realms spoken of in Mahayana Buddhism’s Yogacara philosophy and beyond.

May your spiritual explorations elevate you to lofty realms, bestow upon you visions of profound breadth, and unlock experiences and joys beyond imagination!

