Pluto Square North Node in Aries 2023 : Daily Astrology Transits — It’s Time For A Last Rematch.

As we move forward in this upcoming chapter of the Pluto in Aquarius Movement, right now the collective is finally feeling free from this illusion that we needed to climb this corporate traditional monarchy in order to have a better part in this world of life. In so many words, it taught us to not to trust our shelves to believe that what is right in our hearts is also right for our world. Even now Pluto is seen packing up his Capricorn CEO desk plaque and shuffling up the rest of his papers as he makes his way through his now cleared out office. After spending 15 years in the most high luxury expensive zodiac sign of hard work and sacrifice, he is now bowing out for something new age but not without first gathering things that can’t be left behind. Aries North Node strikes with a square by putting into question if starting over in a new field or path is really the best idea at this time.

Collectively we are dealing with the after effects of the pandemic and trying to adjust back to a life that was changed in so many ways as well as discovering that starting our own business isn’t as hard as it was once taught to us. However not only can we create our own businesses, in the matter of a swipe on a phone, we can also handle family affairs at the same time without needing to sacrifice…



The Cosmic Princess, Your Bougie Astrologist

My name is Brittny also known as The Cosmic Princess, your bougie astrologist and I am here write your cosmic weather forecast for the year.