Astrology: Decoding Cosmic Scripts and the Synchronistic Tapestry of Existence

Cosmic Program
Published in
5 min readJul 8, 2023

“The universe’s history is, essentially, an immense and ongoing quantum computation. It can be viewed as a quantum computer.”

— Seth Lloyd, MIT Physicist

Life Entanglement and Synchronisation to the Solar System

In the realms of astrology and divination sciences, the concept of synchronicity holds great significance. It pertains to the meaningful coincidences or rather, correlations between events or experiences in our lives and the configurations or archetypes of celestial bodies. This phenomenon suggests a profound interconnection between celestial configurations and our human experiences. As a PhD engineer, I’ve come to understand this through the lens of reality as a potential simulation — possibly an ET-generated, self-evolving AI with dynamic scripting. Astrology emerges as one of the few scientific languages available to us, enabling access and decipherment of the hypothetical simulation’s scripts. Notably, astrology stands as a symbolic language backed by a remarkable body of peer-reviewed and reproducible data spanning 5000 years, aiding our understanding of the embedded codes within our hypothetical ‘matrix.’

Now, we ponder whether this arises from correlation through a quantum entanglement mechanism, implying a synchronisation and entanglement at the quantum level across all elements of reality, potentially extending to the solar system. Perhaps the matter is based on pure correlations of configurations, akin to cosmic codes or scripts entangled and synchronised with number generators (i.e., planetary and cosmic bodies)? Is it possible that the mechanism is a causation based process in which newtonian physics can be used as a means of explaining the astrological process? Perhaps it encompasses both. In my personal view, it could be a fusion of both possibilities, and my colleague and I are diligently exploring these potentialities. Regrettably, our outreach to scientists and physicists working on related topics within physics and simulation research has thus far garnered no responses or expressed interest.

One conceivable explanation for synchronicity arising around the stories and mythologies of planetary names lies in the concept of archetypes. Archetypes are universal patterns or symbols residing within the collective unconscious, as proposed by Swiss psychologist Carl Jung. Jung extensively explored and recognised the value of astrology as a symbolic language and a tool for understanding the human psyche. These archetypes embody fundamental facets of the human experience, evident in myths, stories, and symbols across diverse cultures and time periods.

Astrology’s planetary names (e.g., Mars, Venus, Mercury) possess enduring associations with specific archetypal energies and qualities. I like to regard these ‘names’ and their associations as ‘scripts’ encoding distinct traits, events, or outcomes. For instance, Mars embodies assertiveness, passion, and courage, often symbolised by the color red, while Venus represents love, beauty, harmony, and various forms of luxury. These archetypal qualities permeate human consciousness and manifest in multifaceted ways — an agreement shared by the mainstream field.

Personally, I delve deeper, contemplating that if reality is a simulation created ‘in our image’ as ‘gods’ of this simulation, connected to an ultimate source or simulator, any name we bestow upon a ‘script’ automatically codes for the data contained within it. Consider the Greek term ‘Logos’ or the ‘mind’ of God as references to this entire concept. I posit that each name we assign to a thought encompasses a script as it emanates from the human mind — our quantum computer, which is connected to the ‘Logos’ or the source computer. I have come to conclude the phrase ‘it from bit’ as coined by physicist John Wheeler has serious merit. Astrological research has demonstrated to me that the universe seems to be an information -processing system. Nature of reality is therefore intrinsically connected to the acquisition, transmission, and processing of information or the ‘bits’.

Perhaps, at this point many may ask how can the human body behave like a sophisticated computer if indeed we live in a simulation. I think, those who ask this question may not be considering what any life form, including a human is all about. We are governed by our genes. Genes are made up of DNA. In truth, DNA can be likened more to a high-level language than an assembly-like structure. It can be viewed as source code, containing structures such as ‘if’ statements. Thus, from a single source code of DNA, various cell types with both distinct and shared behaviours can emerge.

The cell executes DNA “statements” by translating the data stored within those statements into proteins. This resembles how a compiler transforms ‘source code’ into ‘machine code’. Proteins, akin to machine code, are the actual entities that carry out the intended functions. In essence, DNA’s functioning is akin to a sophisticated programming language, with proteins acting as the “executable” entities. Once proteins are synthesised, they are influenced by a variety of factors, including environmental factors as well as the actions of other proteins. Proteins possess specific capabilities including performing operations on the DNA source code.

Even though the ancients have always said, “Stars impel but they don’t compel,” stars themselves need not do anything at all. Instead, it is through tools such as astrology that we decipher the intricate patterns formed by the alignment of the stars correlated clearly to the nature and timing of our experiences (we believe the horoscope is akin to a QR code). Under the hypothetical scenario that we are living in a simulation, then the master computer system architect would have had to create an elegant and computationally-efficient means of creating all future possibilities and potential possibilities, in a reproducible way, which did not require memory allocation in advance and could be executed at run-time, then in such a circumstance using the cosmic alignment as a multidimensional random-seed, then this could possibly be a way of architecting such a complexity.

At Cosmic Program, we have extensive results from astrological research related to this idea. In the forthcoming series of articles, we aim to showcase numerous examples of this ‘name-to-script’ phenomenon, underscoring the profound interplay between language, symbolism, and the synchronistic tapestry of our existence.

By: Gaia from Cosmic Program
***All images in this article are AI-Generated.

Relevant Link:

Dr. Seth Lloyd’s book:



Cosmic Program

We are two PhD scientists (Gaia & Eion), who research para/meta/occult sciences as a hobby & for the sake of science! Visit us at