Anons Minting

Curious Cosmonaut Research
2 min readAug 5, 2022


Anon’s are a rare collection and the first privacy ever profile picture (PFP). Anons leverage the Secret Network. Here is some information on the Anon OGs and the current minting of the Anon Army.

Since they are built on the Secret Network, holders can display their NFT without exposing their wallet address. It also allows them to do unique things like join an exclusive chat for NFT holders.

Anon’s OG only created 580 items; one has been burned on Mount Doom, a token burner on Secret Network. Anon’s also created a DAO, funded by secondary sales. 5% of sales go to royalties, 0.6% to the artist, and 1.4% to the team.

The DAO also has an active validator in the ecosystem. Anon’s are known for having a community of some of the most OG’s in the Secret Network and are gaining members across the Cosmos ecosystem. Anon’s OG initially sold for 150 sSCRT, and the floor price is now 1,624 sSCRT not sure how those prices differ based on the market value of launch and current market value.

Regardless the Anon series have held up well despite the bear market. Their community is strong, they have had 1.4 Million in sales, and the average Anon sale price has been $8,901. They also have not traded hands that much, with only 161 trades.

Now Anons have been preparing for their version 2 mint called Anon Army for a while. After speaking with people on the Anon team at Consensus, they were thinking about how to launch V2 while balancing existing holders and bringing in new quality members.

The Anon Army is a collection of 1,740 Anons, allowing each original to mint 1 new NFT and for 1,160 to go to various other whitelists and public buyers.

The Anon community worked to identify quality Cosmonauts for whitelist, and these whitelisted individuals could mint up to 2 NFTs.

Today at the public mint opening and at the time of writing this, the NFT collection has already been over 80% minted.

Curious Cosmonaut Research and the Anons community have a lot of potential synergies, given we want to create high quality content and they want to bring together lots of passionate community members.

For this reason, Curious Cosmonaut Research Gallery and researchers have acquired some NFTs. This will be key because it will allow us to custody privately NFTs that researchers can use as their PFP and join the TG channel.

Transparency Curious Cosmonaut Research did not receive any funds/NFTs from the Anon community or anyone to write this. With that said the treasury and individuals supporting the research group may also hold NFTs. Curious Cosmonaut Research also questions whether any NFTs should be treated as investments but more for enjoyment.


  • Anon’s V2 ended up selling out around 3.5 hours after their whitelist.



Curious Cosmonaut Research

Curious Cosmonaut Research plans to become a platform that will decentralize Cosmos Research. It will aim to create a write to earn model.