Staking ATOM with Cosmostation

Cosmos Suisse
2 min readApr 25, 2019


You can stake your ATOM with Cosmostation (mobile wallet). In this article you will find a step by step guide on how to stake your ATOM using this wallet.

Nice to know before Delegating

  • You can delegate any amount
  • It takes 21 days to “undelegate”
  • Rewards fluctuate between 7% and 20%. Depends how much ATOMS are currently staked
  • You only give your staking and voting rights to Cosmos Suisse; We don’t have control over your funds.


  • Smartphone
  • Access to Apple Store or Google Play

Step 1

Link Apple Store here

Link Google Play here

Create a new wallet or import if you already have one. Set your password. There is no way to recover this, so please note it down!

Step 2

This is your wallet dashboard:
Available: Ready to transfer
Delegated: Staking to a validator like Cosmos Suisse
Unbounding: Process removing your coins from a validator. It takes 21 days to “undelegate/unbond”.
Reward: ATOM you earned while staking (delegating).

Switch to the Tab “Reward” and afterwards to “All Validators (100)” on the top. Use the “sort icon” to sort all validators by name.

Step 3

Make sure to choose Cosmos Suisse as your validator to support us. We are based in Switzerland, Crypto Valley in Zug. We charge a small fee but offer high efficiency staking with a propper security steup and a lot of experience!

Check out our hardware equipment: Cosmos Suisse discloses staking equipment to prove trustworthiness

Press the button “Delegate” and enter your amount. Leave some ATOM in your wallet to pay the transaction fee.

Step 4

You can leave the memo field blank and afterwards set your transaction fee to average.

Confirm your delegation.

Happy staking!

