Cosmos Combine
1 min readJun 6, 2024


The universe is an awe-inspiring and humbling mystery that has captivated the human imagination for centuries. Despite the tremendous advancements in our understanding of the cosmos, there is still much that remains unknown and shrouded in uncertainty.

One of the fundamental questions about the universe is its origin and ultimate fate. The Big Bang theory suggests that the universe began as a singularity and has been expanding and cooling ever since, but the exact nature of this expansion and the fate of the universe is uncertain

One aspect of the universe is its size. Observable size is about 93billion lightyears, and beyond that, it may be infinite. This realization can lead to a profound sense of wonder and humility, as our existence and individual problems are placed into a larger, cosmic perspective.

The universe also contains some of the most extreme and fascinating objects and phenomena, from black holes to supernovae, from quasars to dark matter. Such wonders challenge our understanding of the laws of physics and provide ongoing areas of inquiry for scientists and researchers

Overall, the universe is a deeply mysterious and awe-inspiring entity that continues to captivate the human spirit and inspire new discoveries.



Cosmos Combine

Science, Mathematics, Astronomy and Nature. Bringing the cosmos to your screen.