Bushi on Onenet, one of the leading Web 3.0 Games on Cosmos

4 min readAug 6, 2022


Bushi’s Logo

Currently, there is a significant hurdle for Web 2 games to come into Web 3. There are a couple of reasons t’s tough for Web 2 developers to make a sustainable Web 3 game. One reason could be because of the steep knowledge needed at the start — concepts such as wallets, coins, and networks come to mind. This is why game Devs already well-versed in blockchain technology are a huge advantage.

Still, being relatively new, NFT games are a dime a dozen, and most fall flat on their faces. Only a few NFT games have found relative success in the market. Businesses keen on attracting investors put great effort into the game’s ownership, tradability, and profitability areas but neglect aspects that players are most interested in: the gameplay, and immediate and evident developments.

For example, if the only reason a game garners traction is its blockchain aspects, then it’s not a good thing. You want to attract traditional gamers and to do that, you need to have a fundamentally sound and fun game to play.

One common thing to mention about Web 3.0 games’ development is how long till a web 3 game project eventually launches. It usually needs a couple of years especially if it’s an ambitious project like strange clans for example. This isn’t the case with Bushi, an upcoming game from Onenet, partnered with SecretDAO.

A warrior’s principle — Bushido

Bushi came from the word Bushido, which pertains to a warrior’s principles.

Bushi is a competitive third-person shooter centered around samurai-inspired combat and ninja-like parkour.

The gameplay of Bushi is fast-paced and places players on an even playing field with the same abilities. This allows a player’s skill to shine above everything else. The game looks very fluid and the movement mechanics is reminiscent of titles like Spellbreak, Gunz, and Risk of Rain.

Bushi aims to be the first Unreal Engine 5 playable game to launch in

Usually, the foundation of a successful game requires it to have a low learning curve but with a high skill ceiling. This is usually rare and difficult to do because having a high learning curve usually means also having a high skill ceiling. This is true for most MOBAs(DOTA, league, etc) for example.

But it is possible to create a game that is easy to understand while offering a high skill ceiling for those who truly want to master the game. Bushi is looking to be one of those kinds of games.

Bushi provides a skill-based combat experience with a low learning curve. Our private testing has shown us that within 10–15 minutes of playing the game, new players will understand the core mechanics and enjoy fighting other players.

With that said, let’s finish talking about the game itself and move on to the exciting part — Alphas!

Alpha Info

A few days ago, Bushi and Onenet team had an interview with Chjango Unchained ⛓️ discussing important updates and what we can look forward to in the game.

Bushi plans to have its alpha launch date this December 2022. The official launch is estimated to be on April 2023.

Bushi will be free to play. The game is meant to be Play-and-earn rather than Play-to-earn. The CEO said that NFTs include skins and playable character models and you will have true ownership of these items.

The genesis NFTs give alpha access to Bushi and lifetime access to all games published on the Onenet platform. It also lets you take part in the SecretDAO activities on which Bushi will be hosted.

According to Leon, Bushi and Onenet CEO, there will be a separate account creation for Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. The creators said they want to incorporate a bunch of other communities into Bushi.

The whole point of interoperability is being interoperable with other communities — Leon, Onenet CEO

With Bushi, you will probably see a product much faster than most projects announcing out there. The project is basically done and the creators said they are currently scaling the project up.

Wrapping Up

Currently, there is a huge gap to fill for Web 3.0 games, especially in the Cosmos Network. Fortunately, there are projects out there leading the way such as Strange Clan and Bushi. I can only wait until they finally come out to grace us gamers.

Be sure to check their social media down below!

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