Cosmos’ First NFT Game: Strange Clan

4 min readNov 9, 2021


Strange Clan Logo, an NFT game built on Cosmos

NFTs or non-fungible tokens are all the rage nowadays. The recent boom in popularity and success of NFTs such as CryptoPunks, Bored Ape Yacht Club and Axie Infinity, is starting to drive interest in this area. The potential for exciting blockchain applications beyond cryptocurrency is immense and NFTs are giving us a taste of what is possible.

Cryptopunk #7523, also known as “COVID Alien” sold for $11.75m

From digital art to real estate, collectibles, music revolutions and gaming, practical uses of NFTs are nigh limitless. In gaming, take for example Gods Unchained, a card game. NFTs serve as proof of ownership on digital collectible cards, which can then be earned and used to play the game or be traded on an open marketplace. Axie Infinity has become one of the most popular NFT games in the market, enabling hundreds of thousands of players to earn above minimum wage while playing. For gamers who are familiar with the Pokémon game of breeding and battling, each creature in the game published by Nintendo is nothing more but a digital code, but each “axie” used to battle in the Axie Infinity game is also an NFT that carries a monetary value.

Still, being relatively new, NFT games are a dime a dozen and most fall flat on their faces. Only a few NFT games have found relative success in the market. Businesses keen on attracting investors put great effort into the ownership, tradability and profitability areas of the game, but neglect aspects that players are most interested in: the gameplay and visual effects.

This will most likely not be the case for Strange Clan, the first NFT built on Cosmos using the Akash cloud computing service. Inspired by games such as The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, Final Fantasy and Baldur’s Gate. There will be 24 possible characters and 13 different classes with many variations on these classes.

Strange Clan’s digital artwork alone feels very unique and has the potential to be on the same level as Cryptopunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club. It features unique characters which will have their own unique stats to be used in gameplay. Minted using Cosmos’ native token ATOM, each asset will have a unique look within a dazzling 3D world.

The game’s three core mechanics will be farming, crafting and questing. Farming will be any kind of resource collecting. Characters will be able to collect various resources through different actions. Crafting will pertain to different crafts where farmed materials are refined to tools, gear, weapon and armor that will be essential for performing quests. Questing will include exploration and dungeon diving.

Strange Clan is built on the Passage metaverse, a collection of worlds from different brands and creators connected by the Cosmos blockchain and powered by Akash Network. Passage3D is built on Unreal Engine 4 which was also used by games such as Fortnite and Final Fantasy 7 Remake. Passage will be leveraging JUNO to build their 3D NFT marketplace. Juno’s interoperable smart contract ecosystem lets them focus on the unique utility that Passage will bring to 3D NFTs.

Three Division, founder of the product Passage3D and creator of Strange Clan, has launched huge projects for brands like Amazon, Capitol Records, American Girl, and more.

Cosmos Network is still relatively unnoticed despite its huge potential and this could be one of the projects that will raise awareness for it. This could also pave the way for more NFT projects which will be built on the Cosmos Network.

A Strange Clan Character

What I like about Strange Clan is that while it has a resemblance to the MMO genre, the game avoids the analogy to it. The creators do not want the game to feel like a grind. They’ve created a community-driven game for players to build stories and connect with each other rather than be limited to the classical MMO-genre type game.

Immersive worlds with engrossing stories and deep lore set against a backdrop of fantastic art, Strange Clan gives you the opportunity to engage with the game regardless of your play style. Whether you play competitively, enjoy exploration and story elements, or simply like farming, the game offers sufficient flexibility for everyone.

Final thoughts

It is of utmost importance that NFT games find a good balance between engaging gameplay and money-making. Before, video games were nothing more than entertainment. Blockchain technology and NFTs have added dimensions to games and opened possibilities for gamers. With an excellent team behind it and the support of interoperable technologies from Cosmos, Juno and Akash, Strange Clan shows great promise.

Blockchain gaming is still relatively young and will continue to evolve in the coming years. We look forward to the next developments with excitement and anticipation.

Check out more about Strange Clan here:

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