Tips on Speed Networking

Tas Memon
3 min readJan 16, 2019


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Since we are talking about “speed” networking, this post is going to be a short and “speedy” one!

  1. Bring the Right Mindset. Before going in, set you biases aside about certain groups, professions, or people. Don’t close the doors of opportunities on you. You never know where you might find your next best opportunity or friendship.
  2. Be confident. Part of having the right mindset is to be confident on what you are talking about. And just like any other public speaking engagement, preparation is the Key. Write down the main message you want people to take home from your conversation with them, and rehearse it. Tie it all in with your life’s purpose, because that passion will show in your pitch.
  3. Think strategically. Focus on your long-term goals. Think beforehand about the sort of professionals you want to meet and why? How could they help you achieve your goals? What do you want to get out of this event? For instance, are you looking to find a new career path, change jobs, hire a person with specific skills, make business contacts, or even conduct a quick survey for your research/product? Note that it’s perfectly OK to attend these events just to meet new people and build relationships. Who knows, you might find your true calling 😊
  4. Discard BS quickly and move on (in Speed Networking and in Life). Don’t waste your time one someone who clearly doesn’t know what they are talking about. Your time is limited (again, in Speed Networking and in Life).
  5. Altruism is Attractive. Don’t just focus on getting your goals met at the event. Look forward to give advice and guidance to other participants if you think you have the expertise or experience to do so. Refer them to the right contacts if you know any. Be the bridge for someone to success, and your future self will thank you for making strong relationships with successful people.
  6. Prepare your Elevator Pitch. No longer than 1 minute. Start with an interesting anecdote, or a common problem that people can relate to, and talk about how you/your skills are in a unique position to address/solve it.
  7. Have your Social Media profiles ready. Connect with people through Social Media on the spot, especially on LinkedIn. It’s much smarter and efficient than business cards. That way you have the history of everyone you met atthe event, as well as access to their complete profile.
  8. Bring business cards (10–20) just in case.
  9. Prepare questions to ask (as well as your answers if somebody asks you in turn). Check following link for a list of questions:

So there you have it! Now go forth and be awesome!

PS: This post wasn’t as short and “speedy” as you thought was it? You have been tricked my friend ;)



Tas Memon

Entrepreneur | Cognitive Computing/ML enthusiast | Working towards debiased worldview for humans & machines. Founder @ Cognidius Solutions.