Cososwap officially launched

4 min readNov 26, 2021


Cososwap is an aggregation trading platform that spans multiple mainstream public chains such as BSC, HECO, OKT, ETH, and SOL. The active market maker algorithm (PMM) is used to provide liquidity on a pure chain and contract composability.

The original [aggregate transaction] function supports automatic search for the liquidity pool with the highest depth and lowest slippage on the entire chain for auxiliary transactions. The original point-to-point [order book] transaction can realize a secure chain currency exchange channel for giant whale users. At the same time, order book transactions also support peer-to-peer NFT pending orders.

Focus on the Gamefi track, provide NFT casting and trading scenarios, and technical support for high-quality chain games. Committed to building a DeFi platform integrating DEX, NFT trading market, Gamefi, and DAO, providing a simple solution for the multi-chain market, and providing users with more efficient and convenient, multi-chain coverage, diverse assets, and cost-effective Trading system.

The Lost Throne, co-launched by CosoSwap and Liberty, is a game full of “play and earn” opportunities without losing the fun of the game. Players who are familiar with NFT can enjoy the bonus of holding instant dividends through this game; and those who are more familiar with chain games can experience advanced gameplay through the card game; further, they can use more complex The gameplay greatly improves their game currency and dividend currency. In consideration of the safety of players’ assets, the project has passed double audits, which means that the game is safe and playable and funds are safe.

From the innovation level of the business model, an in-depth analysis of CosoSwap. Unlike most of the current “meta-universe” projects that attract crypto players into the crypto world by selling land, we see that although Axie Infinity has attracted more than 1 million players in just six months, it still It should be noted that most of the more than 1 million players are aborigines in the crypto world, and their biggest motivation for participating in Axie Infinity is the powerful wealth-making effect. In other words, judging from the current composition of the people participating in the Metaverse or GameFi, there are two obvious characteristics:

The first is based on the original TradeFi users. If we conservatively estimate the total number of 50 million TradeFi users, the current number of users entering Metaverse is 2%, which is even less than this.

The second is that the profit model is primitive and single, and more of it stays at a stage similar to “digging and selling” in DeFi. It is difficult for most players to enter a richer business ecosystem.

The first model adopted by CosoSwap undoubtedly contributed to solving these two dilemmas. After thoroughly understanding GameFi player pain points, NFT technical characteristics and the current development status of Metaverse, the team creatively pointed out:

The transition from the “real world” to the “encrypted world” requires guidance from a “pathfinder”. This role is extremely important in the early construction of the meta-universe.

The role of “guide” also has two meanings. One is the forerunner who leads the latecomers to enter and is familiar with the meta-universe in the general sense; the second is that there are complete facilities and rules at the commercial level so that the forerunner can better play the role of “guide”. The NFT token launched by CosoSwap accurately solves the current mainstream “sale” mode, the fear of participating user groups in the metaverse and the concerns of ordinary new players about the high threshold of many GameFi games.

1. Enjoy the right to buy assets of the Gamefi game cooperating with COCOSSWAP

2. Enjoy non-destructive investment rights

3. Enjoy the right to recycle NFT on the platform

4. COSO tokens can be sold on the secondary market in the platform at any time

5. Airdrops for all subsequent projects of COCOSSWAP

6. Gamefi product internal test rights in cooperation with COCOSSWAP

At the same time, for the problem of poor liquidity in the NFT market that has been criticized, CosoSwap also has its own exploration. At this stage, CosoSwap’s solution to the liquidity of NFT assets is mainly based on two different strategies for 3D and 2D cards:

1) For high-grade rare cards, CosoSwap guarantees NFT based on the historical average transaction price of the trading market, that is, the project party injects FT into the NFT to ensure that these cards have sufficient liquidity.

2) For game cards, CosoSwap replaces NFT value with FT value. In fact, game players tend to tend to Earn in the P2E model. Although this weakens the value attribute of NFT as a collectible to a certain extent, it objectively provides sufficient liquidity support for NFT.

Since the launch of the CosoSwap project, we can clearly see the significant progress the team has made in terms of internal product polishing and external expansion of the ecology. However, compared with other projects in the track, CosoSwap has obviously not yet reached the official start. At that time, this also means that there may be more room for development. If you are also paying attention to GameFi and Metaverse, you may wish to focus on Cososwap.




Cososwap is committed to building a DeFi platform integrating DEX, NFT trading market, GameFi, and DAO, providing a simple solution for the multi-chain market