How Cults Entrap People

Melanie Cossey
7 min readApr 8, 2019

Identifying cult tactics to avoid being a victim of mind control.

Photo by Luan Cabral on Unsplash

When we think of the word cult, we think of some abstract group of people that act strange and secretive on a compound somewhere out of the public eye. Would it surprise you to know there are cults operating today where their members live alongside you, even work with you?

Millions of people around the world belong to cults and don’t even realize it. They are misled into believing that they are true worshippers and every day use their free will to either stay in their religion or leave, but this is not so. This article will explore the tactics of cults, how they gain new recruits, and how they mislead their members into obedience and servitude by subtle mind control.

Hiding True Intent

When approaching new recruits, members pique interest by starting innocuous conversations that make it seem like they are concerned members of society, such as “We’re here today to talk to you about the recent issue of (fill in the blank of a legitimate current community event or tragedy.)” This forms a false bond with the non-believer Joe Bloke, which they hope will pave the way for future conversations and invitations to return.

It may be some time before the caller’s religion is revealed and that he is really there to gain converts. Even if Joe Bloke…



Melanie Cossey

Writer of gothic horror, history, poetry, short fiction and web content. Professional freelance editor at