What Matters in the End?

Costin Pavel
2 min readFeb 17, 2023


“Existence is too rare to not enjoy every part of it.”

I often come across moments in my life or those of others that evoke powerful emotions and deep thought. No matter what the moment is about, it’s how we feel during and after it that matters most, right?

Benjamin Franklin famously said that death and taxes were the only certainties in life. During our lifetimes, we often experience feelings of depression and stress that can be overwhelming and cause us to break down in tears.

But why do we feel this way? In the end, none of this stress, fear, or other negative emotions will actually matter. What will matter are the memories we make and the things we enjoy until that moment.

You don’t want to have a life filled with anxiety and negative thoughts. Not in a physical way, but in a way that prevents you from enjoying the best moments. Remember that for every minute of anxiety, you lose a minute of happiness.

It is essential to make the most of each day and enjoy the moments that life brings. Taking the time to have fun and engage in activities that bring joy is important — it helps keep stress levels down and brings a sense of contentment.

Helping others can also bring a great deal of fulfillment; no matter how small the gesture, it can make a huge difference in someone’s day.

Don’t forget to take a few moments each day to laugh and smile — it can help lighten the mood, bring a sense of joy, and even improve your overall health and well-being. Life is short, so why waste it on moments that will eventually slip away?

Take time to appreciate the present and create lasting memories that will bring a smile to your face for years to come. The moments that we create can be the most meaningful, and the memories that we make can stay with us for a lifetime.

Cherish those small moments that bring joy and fulfillment, and strive to create more of them. Appreciate the beauty of life and all that it has to offer — from the big experiences to the small, everyday moments that often pass us by.

Learn to be mindful of your emotions and practice self-care to help you stay positive and motivated. In the end, it is these moments and memories that will matter most, not the stress and fear that can sometimes overwhelm us.

So make sure to take the time to create space for yourself and enjoy the moments that come your way.



Costin Pavel

I write about the intersection of mind and body with a grain of salt from philosophy.