How winter causes tooth sensitivity and toothache

Dental Implants Cost
2 min readMar 22, 2018

Teeth hurt when you eating something hot or cold. While tooth enamel wears or gum recession occurs, It reveal underline tooth surface, dentine that is sensitive to temperature changes. If anything too cold or too hot touches this part of the mouth, you feel a little pain.

How winter causes tooth sensitivity and toothache

Take a look at how your teeth can be affected by cold? How it is related to winter, and what steps can be taken to prevent your aches and teeth sensitivity.

Teeth can be affected by cold weather

Yes, during winter teeth can probably hurt. Too much heat and cold will lead to teeth contract and expand. Over time, It response to cracks in the teeth, revealing the microscopic tubules below the enamel. It is similar teeth pain you have due to gum disease, cavities, and many poor oral habits.

Sensitivity in weather occurs regardless of even how you take care of the teeth and you can have high risk if you are not practicing better dental oral hygiene. To fix the sensitivity, one has to learn about some of the causes for teeth sensitivity.

Following are the common reasons for Tooth Sensitivity

Periodontal disease: One of the early stages of periodontal disease is Gingivitis.

Brushing too vigorously: one can perceive that It need to put down hard to remove surface stains, but brushing along with too much pressure begin to wear down the enamel.



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