Getting started

cosy codes
5 min read2 days ago


Welcome to Cosy Codes, I’m Megan. I created Cosy Codes as a way for me to practice my engineering skills, learn a few new things, and share that knowledge with others in a way that is approachable and fun.

Selfie, a woman with long dark hair and blue eyes, sitting on the couch in her Chewbacca hoodie smiling and holding a hot drink in a mug.

I’ll share a bit more of my own journey later on, but for now let’s get started with how you can start building your own static website or blog using Hugo . Hugo is an open-source framework for building fast and flexible static websites.

As I’m just starting out, I felt a static website would be a good start as I don’t see the immediate need for dynamic content and there were also a number of pre-built themes available, which save me having to create all the front-end HTML/CSS code to produce the look and feel for the site.

For the initial setup of the blog, I followed the Hugo Quick Start guide.

As I dug through the Hugo documentation, I was looking for what I would get needed to start:


  • If you don’t have an integrated developer environment (IDE) or lightweight client in which to write your code, I recommend doing so. There are a number of options out there. VS Code is the most popular, according to the Stack Overflow Developer Survey (2023). However, other popular IDEs include: Visual Studio, Intellij IDEA, Notepad++, Vim, PyCharm, etc.
  • Install a package manager, common package managers are Homebrew (MacOS) or Chocolately (Windows) but I’ve also used pip and pipenv (both for Python packages). Having a package manager will make the installation and management of the various packages you require later on easier. Other package managers are of course available. 😸 In this case I installed Chocolately, as I’ve used it before.
  • Regardless of package manager, for any package you want to download and install, you should check into the security and integrity of the package being downloaded, ensuring you’re installing what you think you’re installing and not introducing security vulnerabilities to your systems or your application. For this reason, I recommend only downloading from reputable and recognised package registries, such as PyPi, npm, NuGet, Terraform, etc.
  • Install Git. It’s needed for much of the functionality you need when working with Hugo, please go to the Hugo docs for additional details.
  • Install Go, as the language is commonly used when working with Hugo.
  • Install Dart Sass, it’s used as part of transpiling, or converting, Sass to CSS. As I already had Chocolately installed it was as easy as running choco install sass in an command prompt (cmd) and answering Y to whether I want to run the related install scripts.

Install Hugo

While I just installed the pre-requisite packages I need from my command prompt, the Hugo install docs explicitly state not to use Command Prompt or Windows PowerShell. So before the next step, I opened up VS Code, started a new Terminal session (Terminal > New Terminal) and used powershell, though you can also use git bash, to run the remaining commands in the Hugo Quick Start tutorial. Whether or not you need to do this will depend on your operating system, so as always reference the Hugo docs if in doubt.

  1. To install Hugo, again it is as easy as running choco install hugo-extended as I wanted to install the extended version. Here are a few reasons why you may want to use the extended version. Link is for Windows, but there are documents for installing on Linux, MacOS, and BSD derivatives.
  2. (Optional) I also chose to install GitHub Desktop, as a graphical user interface (GUI) for Git and one I can use to easily connect with my account when I’m ready to push my local changes there. You can also choose to use git from the terminal, so just choose which works best for you!

Additional files creation

While I was at it, the project is now created and the files visible within VS Code, I created a short and a .gitignore file using a couple of GitHub’s examples for Go and Hugo for my repo, in following best practices.

  • The normally provides a short description of your project, as well as any useful and relevant information that people may need or want to know about your repo, its purpose, and its use.
  • A .gitignore file is important to help ensure you are not committing any sensitive files to your repo. This is especially important if you sharing this repo publicly, such as on GitHub or GitLab, other source code managers are out there!

Next step: Installing a theme

While the tutorial docs utilise Ananka, I knew I wanted to use risotto

Before choosing how to install the theme, I also read a bit about the difference between running the theme as a submodule and as the creator of risotto recommends installing it directly vs as a submodule, due to “the difficulty of tracking a specific release” I downloaded it directly from GitHub as a .zip file (Code > Local > Download ZIP) and extracted the files to my themes directory within my local project. (ex. C:\Users\[username]\cosycodes\themes) and then followed the instructions to update my hugo.toml configuration file to utilise the new theme.

Note: I found I had to initially copy entire example site config into my project’s hugo.toml to get risotto to build without errors. I also think the first time by leaving risotto-main (the default name of the extracted folder) in place as a themes subdirectory, instead of changing it to risotto, I created the errors vs the config file itself. 😿

I made a few minor amendments to my hugo.toml file to add a bit of my own information and remove some of the unnecessary bits such as some of the params.socialLinks I’m not ready to fully utilise yet. Then made sure to save any files I amended in VS Studio before running the hugo server command from within my terminal session.

I tested it and YAY, it mostly looks good except why is there $ echo $ LANG near the bottom of my page. We’ll find out next time.

Screenshot of initial Cosy Codes website, with a slightly computer terminal feel in black, grey and white. Under the grey box it shows $ echo $ LANG with hand drawn red underline and exclamation points. Highlighting the unexpected content.



cosy codes

Hi, I'm Megan. Cosy Codes is a blog sharing knowledge about engineering through my own journey and having fun along the way.