Announcing First Design Partner for COTI V2 Dynamic DID solution: Civic!

Published in
2 min readMar 27, 2024

We are excited to announce our partnership with Civic, a leading provider of identity management tools for web3, to use COTI V2’s Garbling protocol solution for Dynamic decentralized identity. Through the integration, COTI V2’s Dynamic DIDs will empower dApps to interact with Civic’s digital identities and query complex insights without accessing sensitive data. This ensures full data protection and confidentiality for Civic users.

As recently shared, one of the flagship use cases of COTI V2 will be the ability to manage an advanced version of a user’s decentralized identity (DID). Harnessing the privacy-preserving power of garbled circuits, COTI V2 will offer Dynamic DID, a powerful upgrade to the technology which allows for advanced features like confidential data sharing and complex calculations. COTI V2’s Dynamic DIDs leverage Civic Pass, which is both a verified credential and a non-transferable token in the user’s wallet. Civic Pass can serve as inputs to meet regulatory requirements like Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC).

Shahaf Bar-Geffen, COTI CEO, said:

“We’re excited to integrate COTI V2s confidentiality layer into Civic’s platform. Civic is an industry leader in the field of identity management tools for Web3, and COTI will continue to partner with industry leaders. We look forward to working with Civic’s professional team to bring Dynamic DID into full production”.

We’re excited to have Civic on board and look forward to integrating it with COTI V2 across all phases: Devnet, Testnet, and Mainnet.

This partnership is just the beginning of many planned collaborations for COTI V2.

Stay tuned for more partnership announcements.

Stay COTI!

About Civic

Civic is a leading provider of identity management tools for web3, empowering people to easily and privately manage their identities across chains with an on-chain representation of their reusable identity. The company’s flagship product, Civic Pass, is an integrated permissioning tool that helps business customers enable secure access to their on-chain assets. Users may also manage their identity, presence and reputation with a dashboard. Civic aims to be the most trusted on-chain identity tool in the world, used by billions every day. Civic was co-founded in 2015 by Vinny Lingham and Jonathan Smith.

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COTI is the fastest and lightest confidentiality layer in Web3