COTI Partners With Celestial City to Enable Payment in ADA and Djed!

Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2022

We are happy to announce our new partnership with Celestial City, a MusicFi platform for artists to carry out Initial Song Offerings.

Through this partnership, ADA Pay will be offered to Celestial City’s users as a payment method, and enable them to pay with $ADA on the platform.

In addition, we’re exploring ways to integrate Djed, the overcollateralized algorithmic stablecoin on Cardano, into the Celestial City platform. This will allow their users to pay with $Djed, and avoid the fluctuation of prices.

Dr. Lars Brünjes, Technical advisor at Celestial City said: “I’m excited about Celestial City’s partnerships with COTI, Djed and ADAPay, because each such partnership benefits not only the partners, but also the users and the whole Cardano Community”

Dr. Brünjes is also a director at IOHK and advises Celestial City with Cardano and Smart Contract Relations.

This partnership, along with many previously announced partnerships, ensures the proper use of Djed and creates an extended use case for Djed across multiple platforms.

About Celestial City

Celestial City is a MusicFi platform that will provide Initial Song Offerings. Celestial City isn’t cutting out the streaming platforms but instead integrating their APIs onto the platform, while also making provision for record label usability. The platform will allow artists to upload their music directly to major established streaming platforms. Celestial City has a veteran team that includes Former Vodacom Executive, Dr. Nkechi Newton as it’s co-Founder, Current Netflix Global Creative Marketing executive, Tamara Johnson as it’s CMO, and IOHKs director of Education, Dr. Lars Brünjes as it’s technical advisor in Cardano and smart contract relations, Kucoin Labs and Capital incubated Arcade as it’s strategic advisor.

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