Spotlight: Jon Kay

1 min readFeb 24, 2016


Editor, author, public speaker — have a chat and compare opinions at the 2016 Couchiching Gala.

Photo by Nick Kozak retrieved from The Toronto Star article “Jonathan Kay overseeing a new version of Canada’s daily conversation.”

Position: Editor-in-Chief of The Walrus Magazine.

Passion: Pushing back against dogma, sharp opinions on current affairs

Public voice: Former comments editor and freelance columnist and blogger for the National Post, CBC panelist and author of two books.

On Twitter: @jonkay

Breaking the Cycle (National Post).

Among The Truthers (2011).

Most recent content from The Walrus and National Post.

Want more? You’ll just have to join us at the 2016 Couchiching Gala for an evening of great discussion! A civil place to disagree.




The Canada Project: Identity, Citizenship and Nationhood in a Changing World; August 5-7, 2016, The YMCA Geneva Park Conference Centre, Orillia, ON