We are open sourcing our crash analytics dashboard

Product Analytics Insights
Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2015

Today we released a new version of Countly, v15.08, available from Github. In this release, the biggest feature is that we are open sourcing our crash analytics backend and supporting SDKs. It was available for Enterprise Edition customers for a year, and now it’s available for the masses. We are proud of opening our technology for developers to make Countly the best open source mobile analytics platform in the world!

Other than crash analytics, this release introduces daily and weekly e-mail reports plugin, a command line interface for most important tasks, browser plugin displaying browser metric for Countly Web SDK, Ubuntu 15.04 compliance, several UI/UX improvements and bug fixes (detailed list).

So here’s the resulting, shiny dashboard:

Coming back to crash reports, below you can see an overview of how it looks. This interface allows you to easily overview all the crash information you have, identify the root cause of the crash by examining the details and collected reports and manage resolved and unresolved crashes and how many users upgraded to resolved version of your application.

You can mark a crash resolved and it’ll never appear again. Mark it unresolved to take care of it later with your developers. Crash reports have lots of details to help you identify and resolve issues, including but not limited to application version, platform, screen resolution, RAM, disk, battery level, operating system and platform.​​

Crash reports is available for iOS, Android, Unity and Titanium Appcelerator SDKs. Support for more SDKs and development environments, including Cocos2d-X and Xamarin, will follow.

In this version the number of all open source libraries, SDKs and other components that we have used has exceeded 50. Without them, Countly would simply be not possible!

Last but not least, due to popular demand, we translated all Countly documents into Chinese, including API docs, FAQs, references, user guides and more. That was 52.000 words, or roughly as big as a 200-page book!

Download latest Countly Community Edition v15.08 from Github. All SDKs can be downloaded here. If you have any questions, use our support page so we can help you with installation or configuration.

— Countly Team



Product Analytics Insights
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Countly is a product analytics platform built to ensure privacy by design. Find us at https://countly.com/blog