Coupit Marketplace Pre-Alpha Release

Coupit Coin
2 min readFeb 9, 2019


The Coupit team is working hard on the Pre-Alpha release and are excited with the way things are shaping up. We are ecstatic to announce that our marketplace is coming to the Google Play Store very soon. First, we will be releasing the Pre-Alpha on the Google Play Store to the candidates that were selected to test it out first.

You can find the list of the people that were selected to participate in the link below:

The first group of testers will get the option to test out the marketplace on Wednesday, February 27th, 2019. We will provide users with a link to download the Coupit application in an email when the time arrives. The original set of testers on the Coupit app will not be able to checkout items on February 27th, unfortunately, but in April when the marketplace is released to the general public, customers will have the option to checkout from the various vendors that will be selling their products.

Users initially, will be able to create an account, where they will get the option to choose from a customer or a vendor. The candidates can then navigate through the marketplace and will also have the ability to deposit and withdraw COUP, NEO & Gas. The original group of testers, from the link above, will have the option to checkout a Coupit T-shirt on the marketplace. They will choose a size, fill out the shipping address and we will fill the order for free.

Additional information will be released prior to February 27th so stay tuned for more updates.

View our newly updated roadmap to see some of the features coming to Coupit throughout the course of 2019.

If you are a vendor or would like to vote on products that you would like to see in the store, check out this article below:







Coupit Coin

NEP-5 token built on the NEO blockchain and designed as a revolutionary marketing and incentive platform for businesses and users.