Coupit Pre-Alpha Demo

Coupit Coin
2 min readSep 29, 2018


We are excited to show you guys the Pre-Alpha version of the Coupit marketplace. A lot of time has been put into development and it’s about time that we have something to show you guys. We believe the best thing to do during this bear market is to just work hard on getting the marketplace finished. For right now all we have is a demo of the marketplace, but on October 9th an application will be available to play around with on the Google Play Store. Between now and October 9th we are going to work on testing the marketplace and put the finishing touches on the design. We hope you guys enjoy this short little demo and we will keep you all updated as the release date gets closer. Please let us know what you guys think of the marketplace so far, your feedback is extremely valuable to us!

Hope you all have a fantastic weekend. Enjoy!

-Coupit Team

Watch the demo here!

Coupit is listed on LaToken. Go get your Coupit tokens now!






Coupit Coin

NEP-5 token built on the NEO blockchain and designed as a revolutionary marketing and incentive platform for businesses and users.