Everything you need to know about ReCoupit

Coupit Coin
2 min readOct 24, 2018


Recoupit is specifically designed to benefit holders of the Coupit token. Coupit holders will generate Recoupit tokens automatically based on the amount that they hold in their wallets. Recoupit tokens can be used for promoting products on the Coupit platform or redeeming special offers presented by Coupit.

Recoup will be distributed once per month. The amount distributed will be 20,000,000. Holders of COUP will receive Recoup based upon their % ownership of the total supply of COUP. For example, if I own 1% of all of the Coup tokens, I will receive 200,000 RECOUP on the initial distribution. If I continued to own 1% of the COUP, I would receive 200,000 RECOUP per month.

The total supply of RECOUP will grow each month. After the initial month, the total supply of RECOUP will be 20,000,000. After the second run of the RECOUP distribution, the total supply will be 40,000,000,

The RECOUP will stop being generated once the total supply is equal to 1,000,000,000. This should be after 50 months.

Technical details on the RECOUP:

The RECOUP distribution process is broken into 5 tasks

  • 1st task — Rolls through all of the transactions of COUP on the NEO blockchain. We create wallet records for each public key address involved in a COUP transaction
  • 2nd task — Queries the current “balance” of COUP on NEO.
  • 3rd task — Calculate how many RECOUP tokens each wallet will receive for this distribution cycle.
  • 4th task — Distribute the RECOUP to the appropriate wallets.
  • 5th Task — Verification process that queries each transaction_id to confirm that the correct amount was distributed.

Get ready to start generating your ReCoup. Release date will be coming very soon!



Coupit Coin

NEP-5 token built on the NEO blockchain and designed as a revolutionary marketing and incentive platform for businesses and users.