Unleashing Generational Shifts in Pet Care Spending: Gen Z vs. Millennials

5 min readApr 30, 2024


Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash

It’s no secret that Americans are obsessed with their pets, right down to spending more on boutique clothing, healthcare, and food than their own — but how do these numbers differ across generations?

Millennials may have begun the trend of treating their pets like children after seeing the Boomer-induced population bubble burst, but Gen Z has further established that you don’t need to have a handful of kids to be a parent.

Because May is National Pet Month, we’re highlighting trends in pet-related expenses across both of these generations to get some insight on shifting priorities and economic behaviors. After all, Baxter and Cleo deserve the finer things in life, too — right?

Key Takeaways

  • The national annual average spent on cat-related expenses is $1,087, and dogs nearly double that at $2,116.
  • North Carolina and Washington, D.C. spend the most on cats, shelling out $2,280 and $2,770, respectively.
  • Pennsylvania and Austin, Texas spend the most on dogs at $7,200 and $4,200.
  • Gen Z has a slightly higher dog ownership at 47% compared to Millennials’ 43%, though Millennials spend more annually on pet care ($1,712 vs. Gen Z’s $1,602).
  • Gen Z is more likely to prioritize pet spending over personal luxuries (26% vs. Millennials’ 19%).

Gen Z vs. Millennials: Comparing Pet Care Costs

Pet Care Spending by Generation
Pet Care Spending by Generation

All fur babies deserve a blend of love, responsibility, and indulgence, no matter what generation is taking care of them. Sure, both Gen Z and Millennials have their own unique styles when it comes to caring for their furry companions — but which bites the biscuit when it comes to trends and how much (as well as where) money is spent on them? Let’s break it down by category.

Pet Ownership Trends

When it comes to owning both dogs and cats, Millennials slightly edge out Gen Z with 24% versus 20%. And, though both generations love their feline friends equally (33%), dogs are favored slightly by Gen Z with 47% being dog owners compared to Millennials’ 43%.

Although the younger generation may own a few more of (wo)man’s best friends, that doesn’t necessarily reflect in spending — right?

Dollars and Cents

Right. When we talk about funds for four-legged friends, Millennials outspend Gen Z with an average of $1,712 per year, while the latter isn’t too far behind at $1,602. Average total annual pet spending includes costs related to food, healthcare, grooming (approximately 6 sessions), and toys and entertainment.

When you consider inflation over the last 30 years, those numbers take on a new meaning — as the average bag of pet food has seen over a 90% increase from 1994 to 2024. And yet, that hasn’t stopped animal lovers from prioritizing their animals financially. So, just where do these hard-earned dollars go?

Food and Healthcare

Not shockingly, both generations prioritize their pets’ health and nutrition (you’ve seen that Freshpet commercial, right?) with Gen Z spending about $57 monthly on pet food — only slightly less than Millennials’ $61. Annual healthcare spending shows a similar trend, with Gen Z spending $408 and Millennials spending a bit more at $466. Quality nutrition and healthcare for pets? Sounds good to us.

Grooming and Entertainment

In another category, Millennials tend to spend a bit more, with grooming scooping up an average of $38 per session compared to Gen Z’s $33.

When it comes to toys and entertainment, though? Gen Z takes the lead, spending $26 monthly compared to Millennials’ $24. Whether or not this means their pets are actually played with more, we don’t know, but Gen Z’s animals have a toy collection to be jealous of!

Pet Insurance

It’s good to protect your cats and dogs from harm and situations outside your control, say the near one-in-five Millennials who have embraced pet insurance. But Gen Z? A higher 28% have taken this protective measure.

Luxury vs. Necessity

Both Gen Z (20%) and Millennials (21%) spend a similar amount on personal luxuries as they do on their pets; however, 26% of Gen Z and 19% of Millennials admit to prioritizing pet needs over their own indulgences — and nearly half of both generations have had to cut back on personal needs to ensure their pets are well cared for.

The most telling data point? A majority of both groups believe they spend more on their pets compared to older generations. While perception is everything, this may speak more to increased economic hardships as time passes.

How U.S. Spending on Cats and Dogs Varies Regionally

Top 10 States That Spend the Most
Top 10 States That Spend the Most

Whether you’re cat-obsessed and living in North Carolina or a dog devotee in Pennsylvania, one thing is for sure — pets are priorities!

Feline-Frenzied Owners

When it comes to showering feline friends with love (and treats), North Carolina leads the pack with an impressive $2,280 spent per year on cats. Oregon and New Jersey aren’t far behind, spending $1,800 and $1,780 respectively. It seems the East Coast has a soft spot for whiskered companions, with Delaware, Maryland, and West Virginia making the top ten list.

Our nation’s capital, Washington, D.C., tops the list for cat-loving cities, spending $2,770 annually. Providence and Baltimore also shower their cats with love, though they come in significantly lower at $1,800 and $1,763. Eclectic (and slightly strange) cities like Minneapolis and Portland are also purr-fect havens for cat people (come on; you know what we mean).

Doting on Dogs

And those puppers? Pennsylvania takes the crown, spending $4,200 annually on their canine counterparts. Arizona and Colorado follow suit in the top three with $3,600 and $3,555. New Hampshire and Vermont also make a strong showing, the former spending $2,280 and the latter $3,525. With all of these states having rolling green hills and mountain peaks, perhaps these numbers have something to do with getting Bella top-tier gear for a hike.

Austin takes the cake (or should we say bone?) for dog-doting cities, spending an astounding $7,200 per year (yes, you read that right) on their canine companions. Louisville comes in at a solid second place, splurging $6,440 annually, and beach-loving pups in Jacksonville have $5,076 spent on them — with every other city in the top ten much further below in the $2,000-$3,000 range.

While there are some differences in categorical pet care spending between Gen Z and Millennials, one thing is abundantly clear: both generations absolutely adore their pets!

Whether it’s food, healthcare, accessories, or the occasional toy splurge, both generations of pet parents are committed to giving their fur children the best. After all, they give us unconditional love — and that’s priceless.

(See the original research here)

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