Introducing our blog: Coursico Diary

Coursico Dental Education
2 min readMar 19, 2019


Dentistry is one of the highest earning professions in the world. Advances in dental care are making procedures faster, longer lasting, and easier on patients. However dental colleges and institutes often struggle to keep up with the latest developments in the field. Young graduates are often in for a rude shock when they join an established practice: there’s still a lot to learn in the real world!

Right from academics, setting up a practice, health and treatment protocols, job opportunities, cutting-edge techniques, their practical implications, patient management skills, financial and legal aspects of practice management; there’s a lot to master besides core dentistry! These are just a few domains which young dentists seek guidance in. Once we delve deeper into the practice, details and better techniques in various types of treatment options, affordability, biases also kick in. With implantology and implant treatments being a highly pursued treatment option by both patients and dentists, the inclination towards learning about these procedures has increased. Same is the case with cosmetic and digital dentistry.

At Coursico, we have been making a constant effort to help dentists in all of the aspects mentioned above. With our advanced courses and by presenting high end case studies via Coursico TV, we have been reaching out to dentists everywhere. However, dental education has been progressing by leaps and bounds, day by day. With new technologies emerging, staying updated is a prime necessity for every dentist. We have always believed that learning is a continuous process and that it is key to your growth as a practitioner. We’re starting this blog to discuss topics from the bare basics to advanced niches. Stay tuned to discover discussions of your interest!

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