7 Ways to Know You Should Date Your Ex Again

Courtanae Heslop
5 min readNov 14, 2022

If you’re wondering whether or not you should get back together with your ex, here are seven signs that will tell you if it’s a good idea.

It’s All Been Resolved

If you have unresolved issues with your ex, then it’s not a good idea to get back together. This is because if you’re not able to resolve the issues and they cause problems in your relationship again, then you’ll be forced to break up with your ex all over again. If this happens too many times, then it will destroy the trust between you two.

To prevent this from happening, I suggest that you talk about any unresolved issues before getting back together with them and make an effort to resolve them as soon as possible.

You Never Give Up On Each Other

If you and your ex have the kind of relationship where you never give up on each other, then that’s a good sign that it might be worth giving another try.

You both want the best for each other and are willing to do whatever it takes to make things work, whether that means learning how to communicate better or getting help from a professional. You’re both also willing to compromise and work hard for your relationship, which shows there is still some hope for your union.

It’s More Than Physical Between You

You may be able to get away with dating someone physically attractive, but there are plenty of other reasons to date your ex again.

It’s not just about physical attraction; it’s more than that. When you get past the initial excitement of being with someone new and realize that some things aren’t working as well as they should be (or at all), it may make sense for you to break up with them before things get too serious and complicated.

But if you’re still interested in your ex after rekindling a relationship, don’t let their physical appearance stop you from giving them another chance. Just because someone is in a wheelchair doesn’t mean they can’t have an active sex life or build a loving relationship with their partner(s). As long as there’s mutual respect between both parties involved — which should always be the case anyway! — there should be no problem in continuing what was once an established bond between two people who know each other well enough to trust one another even when times get tough; especially since so many other factors come into play outside what happens physically during intercourse: communication skills like listening attentively without interrupting while speaking up when necessary; capacity for intimacy by sharing personal information without judgement or ridicule; sense of humor versus taking things too seriously…and so much more!

You Let Yourself Be Vulnerable With Them (Or Can Now)

Here’s another way to know that you should date your ex: you can be vulnerable with them. If it’s true that we are each other’s mirrors, then it stands to reason that if you were scared of being vulnerable with your previous partner before (or just in general), they may not have been able to reflect back the best version of yourself. But now that they’re out of the picture — and if they were willing to let go and move on too — you get the chance to be in a relationship with someone who won’t judge or reject you when you’re at your most raw and open. It may take some time for this vulnerability muscle to grow strong again, but once it does, dating your ex could very well be one of the best decisions you ever make!

It Had To Do With Timing

When you broke up, it was for a reason. You knew that at the time, but now you’ve matured and grown. Some of those reasons no longer exist and some of them were just misunderstandings.

When you’re in a new relationship with someone else, there’s always some question of whether they’re “the one” or not. Maybe they’ll end up being the perfect person for you; maybe they won’t be ready to settle down yet; maybe they turn out to be not as great as they seemed at first glance! When your ex comes back into the picture, all these questions are answered: You know that he/she is still really interested in being with you because it’s been hard for them too (they had to leave as well). It can be easy for partners moving on from breakups — whether that breakup was amicable or not — to forget what made their first relationship so special; when people are emotionally involved with each other again after years apart through no fault of their own (like death), those feelings come flooding back full force because they’re more mature now than when they were younger and less confident about themselves

You’re Not Afraid To Be Yourself When Your Together

You’re not afraid to show your true self, you’re not afraid to be vulnerable and honest, and you’re not afraid to open up. In fact, it feels so natural to just be yourself around them that when you’re both present in the same space at the same time, there is no need for small talk or unnecessary conversation. You know each other well enough that there’s no need for pretense.

The Love Is Still There

If you still care about your ex, then there’s a good chance that some of the love is still there. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you want to marry them again — but it can definitely lead to another relationship if both of you are open to it. Here are some signs that indicate this feeling:

  • You still love them and want to spend time with them.
  • You miss them when they’re gone.
  • If given the opportunity, would you date them? (This can also be asked in reverse: Would they date me?)

These are some of the signs that you should consider getting back together with your ex.

You’re still in love with them. You may have some doubts about the relationship, but there’s a part of you that knows it would be worth making an effort to work through those problems.

Your attraction for each other hasn’t died down at all. If anything, you find yourself even more attracted to your ex now than before.

You’re still friends and can talk without fighting or other drama happening between the two of you. It was probably one of the best relationships either of you had ever been in if this is true!

Trust is another big factor when it comes to getting back together with someone — especially if they hurt you before (and they probably did). But if this trust has not been broken yet, then there’s a good chance that it won’t happen again as long as both parties are committed not only physically but emotionally as well!


Getting back together with your ex can be a nerve-wracking decision, but the signs that we’ve listed here should help give you some clarity.

PS: Hi! I am a freelance writer with a passion for writing. I am open to most genres, but my primary expertise is in content and blog writing. If you would like to discuss any upcoming projects please feel free to contact me by email at courtanaewrites@gmail.com

