All You Need To Know About Modern Dating

Courtanae Heslop
6 min readNov 18, 2022

If you’re single and dating, you probably know all too well how stressful it can be. In this article, we’ll explore the ins-and-outs of modern dating. We’ll talk about what’s out there to help you find a relationship, how technology has changed dating culture, who is most affected by these new trends and what can be done about it all.

Ghosting, breadcrumbing and more modern dating terms you need to know.

Ghosting is when you suddenly stop hearing from the person you’ve been spending time with. It can be hard to handle, but remember that this happens to everyone and it’s probably not a big deal. Breadcrumbing is similar to ghosting, except instead of disappearing completely, you get occasional text messages or calls that keep hope alive in your heart (the breadcrumbs). Hollering is when someone texts you about everything except for what’s on their mind. Benching is when someone is waiting to see if something better comes along before committing themselves to a relationship. Stashing refers to the practice of keeping someone around as an option for later — you might even have a few people stashed at once!

What ghosting is and how to deal with it.

If you’ve ever been ghosted, you know how much it sucks. Your date will stop responding to your texts and calls after a few weeks of dating, probably never to be heard from again. It’s a situation that can feel like you’re being rejected by someone who doesn’t even have the courage to tell you face-to-face.

Ghosting is common in the world of modern dating, but it’s also one of the worst ways to deal with rejection and communication issues between two people in a relationship or potential relationship. Ghosting is not only unfair because it puts all responsibility on one person (often women), but also because it avoids facing what might be an uncomfortable conversation for both parties involved — whether it be breaking up or just having an honest discussion about why things aren’t working out as well as they could be between them.

What breadcrumbing is and how to deal with it.

Breadcrumbing is a form of flakiness and not a form of dating. It is when someone texts you a lot but doesn’t want to meet up. Usually the texts are flirty, but vague about when or where they will actually meet. Sometimes breadcrumbers will claim that they have plans in the future with other people, but never mention those plans to their actual friends or family members.

The breadcrumber might genuinely be interested in pursuing something with you down the line, but only if it’s convenient for them — and probably not now since it would mean having to hang out with someone outside their comfort zone (i.e., away from their phone). They’re keeping you around while they look for someone better who shares their interests, whether that means going out dancing every weekend or playing video games every night until dawn.

Why people take part in these dating behaviors.

People are scared of rejection, intimacy and commitment, being judged, being vulnerable and being alone. We’re all terrified of heartbreak (which is why we so often sabotage our relationships).

You can totally blame your parents for this one! But seriously: they raised you in a world where divorce was a real possibility. You grew up with the idea that love can die and people can change their minds about marriage (or anything else). You were taught that having your heart broken isn’t just possible but common — and that it’s okay to feel hurt when things go south.

How to change your mindset about dating.

I know it can be hard to keep this in mind, especially when you’re dating someone and things are going well. But if you want to be successful at finding a partner, it’s crucial to understand that dating isn’t a one-way street. There is no “boyfriend/girlfriend” switch that will flip on the second you meet someone who meets your criteria. You don’t need to spend every weekend worried about whether they’re going to pop the question (or take you out).

Dating is a process — and so are relationships! It took me several years before I met my current boyfriend and started dating him seriously, but those years were full of meaningful experiences and lessons learned that shaped who we both became as individuals when we finally got together. And while it might feel like everyone else has their lives figured out by now (we do!), remember that this is just another way society tries to make us feel bad about ourselves: everybody doesn’t finish college or get married young and have kids by 30; some people go through breakups or divorces along the way; others decide not even pursue marriage at all! The point is: nobody has life figured out… except for maybe Beyonce ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

What experts say about modern dating culture and what can be done about it.

So, to sum up: we’ve gone from a time when dating was all about finding your future spouse to a time when it’s all about finding love with as many partners as possible.

We can’t be certain what the future holds for those who want to date openly and honestly, or how long it will take before society accepts polyamory as something more than just “an open relationship.” But one thing is for sure: if you’re looking for true love in this new world of modern dating culture, it’s not going to come easy.

Is the ubiquity of modern dating holding you back from finding a long-term relationship?

If you find yourself constantly wondering “Is the ubiquity of modern dating holding me back from finding a long-term relationship?” it’s time to change your mindset.

The first thing you should do is stop blaming everyone else in your life for their unsavory dating behaviors. It’s easy to take one too many shots at your friends’ bad dates, but this is a recipe for mental health issues later in life. Instead of focusing on the negative, focus on yourself and how you can improve as an individual. The chances are good that if someone doesn’t want to date you, there’s something wrong with them — and not you!

Secondly, try thinking about dating differently by stepping outside of the box and asking yourself: Why am I single? What would happen if I broke up with my boyfriend? Do I need more friends or could I get rid of some? These questions will help guide where your priorities lie right now so that when things start happening naturally again (like meeting new people), they’ll hopefully lead somewhere positive instead of being hindered by past mistakes made throughout history here on earth…or wherever we live now!

Modern dating can be hard sometimes, but there are ways to make it easier on yourself.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to ask for help from friends or family members. If you have a therapist, consider seeing them about your current situation and getting their input as well.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for advice from someone who is older than you or been through the same thing that you’re going through now — they may have some good insights into how they handled it and what worked best for them!
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions; if someone doesn’t want to answer them, then maybe they aren’t right person after all!
  • Don’t ever feel like asking too many questions makes someone not interested in talking with me anymore — I’ve found that it usually does none other than show curiosity on my part (and sometimes even endear me more)!


We hope this post has helped you understand the complexities of modern dating and given you some ideas on how to deal with them. If you’re still feeling like there’s something missing in your love life, don’t worry — there are plenty of other resources out there that can help!

PS: Hi! I am a freelance writer with a passion for writing. I am open to most genres, but my primary expertise is in content and blog writing. If you would like to discuss any upcoming projects please feel free to contact me by email at

