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Do These 5 Things When You’re Bored on a Friday Night for Guaranteed Fun

Courtanae Heslop
4 min readFeb 24, 2023


If you’re bored on a Friday night, you might be tempted to stay in your pajamas, grab takeout and watch Netflix. While that sounds like it would be fun for about an hour, the thought of doing it for the whole night can get pretty boring (pun intended). Instead of giving up and watching movies alone in your home on a Friday night, why not try some new activities? Here are five ways to make sure your next Friday night is more exciting — and more fun!

Make Your Own Movie

When you’re bored on a Friday night, it’s important to do something fun. You can go out with friends and see a movie, or stay home and watch something on Netflix. But if you want guaranteed fun, try making your own movie!

You don’t need fancy equipment to make an awesome short film or music video — you just need a few people who are willing to get into character and act out whatever story idea comes up next. If everyone has their iPhones handy (or even just one person does), then all the actors will have access to editing software that lets them edit together footage from different angles into one cohesive scene. It doesn’t matter how long or short your final product ends up being; what matters is that making movies with friends is an excellent way of having fun while also learning new skills.

A Mystery Party

  • Invite friends over.
  • Make a list of clues. You don’t have to be overly complicated; just one or two words per clue is enough. For example: “The answer can be found in your kitchen” or “Look at what’s hanging outside your window.”
  • Have a prize for the winner. It could be anything from bragging rights, to free drinks at their next party, to an extra-special snack (like pizza).

Go to a Science Museum or Planetarium

A good way to get out of the house and have fun is to go to a science museum or planetarium. There are many different types of museums in your area, so find out what’s happening at them! You can do this by searching online, or asking someone who works there.

When you go to a museum, look for events that are happening at their planetarium (if they have one). If they don’t have one but you still want to see stars and planets up close, then ask if there are any events going on at another nearby place like an aquarium or nature center — they might be able to recommend something cool!

Friday Night Comedy Show

Comedy shows are a great way to spend your Friday night. It’s fun, can be very entertaining and most importantly, it’s guaranteed to make you laugh!

There are many different types of comedy: stand-up comedy, improv, sketch and more. Comedy shows often feature comedians who have been on TV or in movies before so you will recognize them when they’re on stage performing for you. There are also many local comedians who perform at small venues all over town which makes it easy for everyone in the audience to see them live without traveling too far away from home (or work).

It is important that you go out there looking forward to having fun because if your attitude isn’t positive then it won’t work out well for either party involved — you won’t enjoy yourself as much as possible nor will anyone else around us want us there either!

Start a Book Club

If you’re looking for a way to make friends and have fun on a Friday night, then starting a book club is the perfect answer. You can read the book before the meeting or read it together at your first meeting. Then during each meeting, discuss what happened in the story and why it was important. At the end of each session, choose what you would like to read next!

Book clubs are a great way to get out of the house and meet new people. You might even find that you enjoy reading more, as well.

You’ll have fun if you do these things

You will have a guaranteed good time if you put your mind to it. The only way to guarantee that something will be bad is by thinking it will be bad in advance, so keep an open mind and don’t hesitate to try new things! You might even find out that being bored is fun after all!

If none of these suggestions appeal to your interests, then go ahead and make up your own plan for how best to spend the long weekend. Your friends will thank themselves later when they see how much more interesting life becomes when they’re not around someone who always thinks they know exactly what everyone else needs (and doesn’t).


We hope you’ll try some of these ideas for yourself. Remember, it’s not about having the best time ever — it’s about having fun and experiencing new things!

Any suggestions? Comment below.

