The Beginner’s Guide to Starting Your Own Job Board Website

Courtanae Heslop
7 min readDec 28, 2022

You could be the next Elon Musk. You just need to start your own job board website! No, really. Don’t believe me? Well then, here’s everything you need to know before getting started:

Find your niche.

Now that you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to get into the nitty-gritty of your site. That means finding a niche. This can be tricky for beginners. But if you know where to look, then it won’t be that difficult to find a profitable niche market.

You want to make sure that whatever niche you choose will be profitable and well-received by your target audience. To do this, first identify who your target audience is going to be (this will also help with choosing a name). Then go on Google Trends and check out keyword search volume data in Google Keyword Planner or another source like SEMrush or SpyFu so see what topics are getting searched for most frequently right now (this will give an idea of which niches are currently trending). Next check out the competition by looking at other job boards in the same space — are they doing well? What are they doing differently than other boards on the market? If there’s no good competition in terms of quality sites/content then don’t pick this as one of your options because chances are there aren’t many people searching for those keywords anyway! It might seem obvious but if there isn’t much demand for certain types of jobs then don’t try competing against companies who have had years more experience than yours because although it might seem like an easy way out initially — those companies may have already saturated their market share from all their hard work so take them into account before making any decisions about how much money could come from running one type compared against another type (or even worse: starting up!).

Do your research.

Before you start your website, do some research. Find out what your competitors are doing and what people are looking for in a job board site. Look at other sites and see how they’re doing it. What things do they offer? How can you improve on their product?

If there is already a similar website in the market that is getting good traction, then don’t create a direct clone of it — find something unique or innovative to add to the mix that will make yours stand out from the crowd while still having all the essential elements needed by job seekers (and employers).

Set up the technology.

Learning the ins and outs of web design can be a daunting task for some. Luckily, there are plenty of sites that can help you get started with a job board website. The following steps will show you how to set up your site so it’s ready for you to start posting jobs and creating features for users.

First, choose a platform/site builder. You have several options here: Wix, Weebly, Squarespace and WordPress are all great choices (and they all have free versions). Choose one that fits your needs because once you pick one — you’re stuck with it unless you want to start again from scratch!

Next step is actually setting up your site by adding content like text blocks or images; this part is pretty straightforward but might take some time depending on how much information needs to go into each text block before publishing it live online so people can use them on their own websites too (if desired). After this step has been completed successfully then we move onto getting everything else done by installing plugins such as MailChimp which allows us access now into contact management systems such as Gmail accounts through Google Sync feature available only within certain domains only eGmail addresses allowed here folks!

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Start marketing the site.

Now that you’re ready to start marketing your site, it’s time to think about how you want to go about doing it. There are many different ways that you can market your job board website, including social media and email marketing. You should also consider paid advertising options like Google AdWords or Facebook ads.

Regardless of what method(s) of marketing you choose, make sure that the quality of your content remains high on the priority list! If people can’t find jobs because there aren’t enough relevant listings or don’t want to use your site because the quality is low, then they’re not going to stick around for long — and there goes any hope of generating revenue through advertisements.

Make sure that users have an easy time navigating through all aspects of their experience with your job board website: from registering through applying for a role right up until viewing their applications status after submission, everything needs to be intuitively laid out so as not to confuse or frustrate visitors who may not be familiar with all aspects yet (e.g., which buttons do what).

Get the word out on social media.

Once you’ve created your job board website, it’s time to spread the word and get people applying.

You can do this by promoting your site on social media. When posting about it on Facebook and Twitter, use hashtags that are related to your industry (e.g., #jobseekers #interviewtips). If you have a budget for advertising, then consider promoting posts about it through relevant Facebook groups or other forums where people in your industry hang out online. When sharing images of the benefits of using a job board website with friends and family on social media, make sure they include text as well as an image — this helps increase engagement rates significantly!

Once you’ve built up some momentum with getting the word out there on social media channels, don’t be afraid to ask for help from others who might be interested in helping you promote the site too! If someone who has a large following mentions their interest in using this type of service then ask them if they’d be willing to share one of their articles on LinkedIn or another platform where everyone’s interested in what they have to say (e.g., business ideas).

Get your head around SEO (search engine optimisation).

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a critical part of any website. It’s important to understand how your site will be ranked in search results, and that it’s a long-term strategy. SEO isn’t just about increasing traffic: it’s also about ensuring your content is easy to find, and providing value to users when they visit your site.

You can improve your SEO with simple things like making sure all the images on your website are alt-tagged correctly, or setting up Google Analytics so you know how many people visit each page on your site every day — and where they come from.

Create content that recruits and changes minds (one at a time).

The first step to growing your job board website is creating content that recruits and changes minds (one at a time). Content is king when it comes to driving traffic and conversions. There are many ways to make money from your job board website, but without content you won’t be able to drive traffic efficiently or effectively enough for any of those methods to have an impact on your business.

  • Provide value with the right kind of information
  • Create original content that others haven’t already published online before

When it comes down to it, the key difference between an average webmaster and one who truly stands out is their ability or inability — and willingness — to create original content.

With a bit of work, you can create a job board that’s unique, has a loyal following and helps people find great jobs.

You could be the next Elon Musk or Bill Gates. You could have a career that you love and are passionate about, where the hours fly by and you get to spend time with your friends and family. Job boards are a great way to do this if you know what you’re doing.

A job board is a website that lists jobs from companies looking for employees, allowing people who are looking for work to search through listings of available positions. The most popular job boards include— but there are many more upstarts out there as well!


We know that starting a job board can seem daunting, but the good news is that it’s not as difficult as you might think. You can get started by identifying a niche for your site and doing some research into what other sites offer. Once you’ve set up your technology and got the word out on social media, it’s time to start marketing yourself by creating content that recruits and changes minds (one at a time). If you have any questions about this process or would like help with your own website, feel free to reach out!

PS: Hi! I am a freelance writer with a passion for writing. I am open to most genres, but my primary expertise is in content and blog writing. If you would like to discuss any upcoming projects please feel free to contact me by email at

