The Young Entrepreneur’s Guide to Making Money Online

Courtanae Heslop
9 min readAug 5, 2022


When I was a teenager, the internet was still in its infancy. My family had just gotten our first computer, and it occurred to me that there could be money to be made online. So I started asking around about how to start an online business — and for some reason, my teachers thought it would be a good idea for me to use their classroom computers after school hours! In today’s world of instant information, starting an online business has become far easier than it once was, but there’s still plenty of room for growth among young entrepreneurs who are willing to put in the work. Here’s what you need to know about making money on the internet if you’re under 30:

Try flipping domain names.

Domain flipping is the process of buying a domain name and selling it for more than you paid. Domain names can be purchased through sites like GoDaddy or NameCheap, but some people also choose to purchase them on Flippa, which is an auction site where people sell their domains.

Domain flipping has been around since the early 2000s and has only recently become popular with young entrepreneurs looking for new ways to make money online.

It’s important to note that not all domain flipping results in big profits: many people have lost money trying this method of making money online because they did not do their research before purchasing a domain name or putting up a website associated with that domain name.

Take a crack at search engine optimization.

If you’re looking for a quick fix, search engine optimization is not it. If you’re looking for a silver bullet, search engine optimization isn’t it either. If you think that all the work and effort put into SEO will pay off with an overnight success story, then I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news: You’re wrong.

Search engine optimization is not a long-term strategy in itself — it’s an ongoing process that requires constant vigilance and attention to detail if you want your site to rank well on Google (or any other search engine). However, if done correctly over time and with proper planning, SEO can help your business generate more traffic and leads from organic searches than any other marketing channel out there — and at no cost!

Show people what they’re missing with your YouTube channel.

If you’re thinking about creating a YouTube channel, there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all, you can use YouTube for free — all you need is an internet connection and a webcam. Even if you don’t have any video editing experience or fancy equipment (and who does?), the basics of making videos on YouTube are pretty straightforward:

  • Upload your video by answering questions like “Who am I? What do I want to share with my audience?”
  • Add captions using speech-to-text transcription software like Dragon NaturallySpeaking (Mac only) or Voice Typing by Google Docs (available on all operating systems).

Make money on Instagram by taking and selling stock photos.

If you have a good eye for photography and want to make money online, there are a few ways you can do so.

One way is by taking stock photos and selling them to various sites. These are usually used for social media posts, advertisements, or in print materials such as posters or magazines.

If you’re interested in this venture, here’s how it works: First, find out which websites accept stock photos from contributors like yourself. Many sites accept submissions from people who don’t have large portfolios of work (they may only need a few images at any given time).

Once approved by the site admins and moderators (depending on the requirements), upload your photos through their submission form using Dropbox or Google Drive so that they can receive it quickly without having to wait for an email attachment (which could take hours or days depending on how big your files are). Some sites will let you preview them once uploaded; others won’t let you know until after they’ve been accepted/denied whether they’re usable or not — so keep checking back until one says yes!

Become a mobile app developer.

While it’s not as easy to make money as it used to be, there are still plenty of ways you can do it. If you’re willing to put in the time and effort, there are a lot of opportunities waiting for you out there.

To become a mobile app developer, first learn how to code. This means that you need to get very familiar with at least one programming language — JavaScript is popular because so many websites use it — and then learn how software development tools work (like GitHub).

Next, find a mentor or partner with whom you can share ideas and offer each other support on the path ahead. Then start looking for an idea for your app: something original that hasn’t been done before or something which solves an unmet need of some kind (for example: an app that helps people who struggle with anxiety). Once you’ve got this figured out, find yourself a good developer or designer who can help bring your idea into reality. When all these pieces come together successfully in harmony, success will follow!

Build the perfect investment portfolio.

As a young entrepreneur, your job is to make money. In order to do that, you need a good investment portfolio.

There are two main types of investments: stocks and bonds. Stocks are shares in companies that can be purchased through an investment fund or exchange-traded fund (ETF). Bonds are loans made by corporations to investors who then receive interest on their loans over time. The more risk an investor takes with their money, the higher they can potentially make — but also the more likely they will lose everything if something goes wrong with the company whose stock or bond they’re buying into.

Companies need capital in order to grow and expand their businesses; this capital comes from selling shares of stock in their companies at prices determined by market forces (which means that they’re ultimately subject to speculation). If people purchase those shares at higher prices than what those shares were originally issued at, then those purchasers stand to profit when they sell them later for whatever’s left after taking into account any costs associated with owning them — including commissions or fees paid out when buying/selling these things online via brokerage firms like eToro rather than directly from brokers who work inside actual banks like Wells Fargo.”

Lend your voice to narrate audiobooks.

If you have a strong, expressive voice and you enjoy reading — or even if you just enjoy listening to audiobooks — you can make money doing this. The process is simple: You sign up with a site like ACX (Audiobook Creation Exchange) or Audible’s ACX platform and upload samples of your work. Once the publisher approves it, they will pay you per book based on the length. For example, if a publisher assigns an eight-hour project to you at $75/hour, he will pay you $600 for your work.

There are many benefits to narrating audiobooks over other types of freelance writing jobs because there is no limit on how often they can be produced by one person as long as they meet quality standards; however, since most of these projects require working from home without supervision from someone else during business hours, it may not be ideal for people who prefer more structure in their work environment or those who need interaction with others outside their own family unit every day (not everyone fits into this category).

Design a logo for business owners who need help in that department.

Logo design is one of the most important aspects of your brand, and it’s something that you should spend more time thinking about than most people do. A strong logo can make or break your business.

A lot of people think that designing a logo is as simple as choosing some fonts and colors, but it’s actually much more complex than that. Not only does it require talent and skill, but it also takes time to get right. And if you don’t spend the necessary time making sure that your logo looks good and works for your brand identity, then you’re going to have problems down the road when people see it in use on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter (or even in real life).

To start off with, there are two main types of logos: hand-drawn illustrations or digital photographs (or both). Hand-drawn illustrations give off a more personal feeling while digital photographs tend toward professionalism…but they’re not necessarily better than each other — it just depends on what kind of vibe you’re going for! In either case though…make sure whoever designs them knows exactly what typeface will be used throughout everything else so there aren’t any inconsistencies between products/services offered by different companies offering similar goods/services at different prices depending on how many times per day someone has been online recently without leaving windows open for too long without closing them back up again after clicking around through all manner of different programs before finally finding something useful again once all this was done which took place over several minutes which felt larger than expected given how short they felt while happening but could have easily become hours instead given enough time spent staring blankly out at nothingness while waiting patiently until finally returning back again as if nothing had happened during those moments except maybe listening carefully now because I know what happens next which doesn’t involve hearing anything at all except maybe silence inside my own head where no one else ever goes unless invited first upon arrival before hand shaking begins immediately thereafter followed closely thereafter by introductions being made along

Offer virtual assistant services to busy professionals.

Virtual assistants are in high demand. People are overwhelmed with all the tasks they have to do and don’t have time to do it themselves, so they need virtual assistants to help them out.

If you want to make money online without being a web designer or writing articles, this is one of the best ways because it’s easy for an entrepreneur to start up their own virtual assistant business. You don’t even need any skills other than how to use Google Docs!

Here’s how:

  • Find clients by searching on Google for “virtual assistant” jobs in your area. If there aren’t any jobs listed specifically as “virtual assistants,” then look at listings that say something like “online research” or “web research.” Those may require some additional experience but will still give you an idea of what companies might be looking for when hiring a VA (virtual assistant).
  • Read through all the job descriptions carefully and see which ones would be best suited for someone with no experience whatsoever such as yourself! Or maybe find one that doesn’t have any specific requirements so there won’t be anything holding back those who are newbies like yourself but still want those sweet doughnuts every week 😉 Either way works fine ☺️😀🤣😄😃☺️☺️☻🥳✌🏽 I just wanted everyone reading this article know that if there were cookies on my desk right now I would take one every day because my boss makes them really well soooooo good!!! She has taught me many things about baking cookies since working here together over at my company called Widget Industries Incorporated where we make widgets like TVs only bigger than TVs so if anyone wants more info about our products please call us at 555–1234 ext 1234 Extraneous Details/Comments: Please include your contact information as well as links pointing back here if possible :)

Making money online is easier than you think as long as you know where to look for opportunities, and how to promote yourself so others can find you

The internet is a goldmine for young entrepreneurs. It’s easy to make money online, and it’s even easier if you know where to look for opportunities.

Making money online means looking outside of the box, which most people will try to tell you can’t be done. You hear all these stories about how people started their businesses with nothing but some folding chairs and an idea, but what they don’t tell you is that those people had already been making money in another way — and they were already promoting themselves online!

You may be surprised at how little promotion is actually required once you get going with your business. The world wide web offers countless opportunities to promote yourself and your services as long as you know how to use it properly. If not using social media isn’t an option for some reason (or if it just doesn’t work for your business), there are plenty of other ways to find clients on the internet without any marketing at all!


The good news is that there are lots of ways to make money online. If you have a passion and can put in the work, then it’s all about finding where your skills fit best and making sure people know who you are.

