Diary Entry #7: Menage a Trois

A Courtesan's Diary
7 min readJan 26, 2024

A courtesan’s diary entries

Image created by Author,

Diary entry #7

18 years old

My patron wants to have a ménage à trois with his concubine and me. He wants me to drive to his luxurious Japanese estate.

I know I’ve been taught how to start with engaging in polite discussion; this might be the first time for his concubine and I can put her at ease. She needs to realize that perhaps the patron wants to teach her through me.

The moonlight penetrated the darkness, illuminating me with ethereal radiance as I walked on Lord Takashi’s luxurious Japanese estate sprawling across serene hills enveloped in traditional architecture and pristine gardens complete with koi ponds and gushing water features. Lord Kuroda Takashi is a wealthy, handsome Japanese businessman who sometimes hires courtesans to teach his young concubines. He has short black hair, dark eyes, and a strong command presence. He enjoys the power dynamics and seeks new sexual experiences with every encounter.

I was dressed in a crimson yukata adorned with iridescent cherry blossoms. I looked resplendent. The scent of the sweet incense wafted through the air, infusing the atmosphere with an intoxicating allure. I took measured…

