The Triumvirate of UAP Truth, Russians, and Deadly LARPRs

Courtney Marchesani
22 min readSep 24, 2024


“A good conspiracy is unprovable. I mean, if you can prove it, they screwed up somewhere along the line.” — Jerry Fletcher (Conspiracy Theory)

In May, a UAP researcher friend and I got together to compare our notes on Amy Eskridge. We had screenshots of her injuries, texts, and social media posts. I’d arrived in a storm pushing across the Midwest and practically hydroplaning into her driveway. The day after I arrived, a man appeared at the door. He wore brand new blue jeans and a black t-shirt with an “A” on it. He carried no clipboard and offered no card. He parked facing the wrong direction on the wrong side of the cobblestone street. He was condescending, “You look confused, babe.” My friend countered with a request for the paperwork required to solicit in her town. She asked point blank if he was a solicitor. “No,” he replied. Multiple times. The conversation ended in a series of parries. My friend, frustrated and annoyed, questioned him. He called her “sweetheart” and walked away. I threw my phone to her to get photos and warned, “He looks military.” She caught the phone, bolted barefoot out the front door, and chased him down. She took photos of the front of his rig. His license plate. Law enforcement arrived. He was followed out of town. We had a very long day processing. It appeared to be a threatening visit from either a criminal casing the house or some other more nefarious activity.

In the following days, another anonymous man arrived. Photos were taken. Times were documented. My friend took everything up the chain within law enforcement. The returned information revealed, “We know about the ‘UFO’ community. Several investigations are underway. You need to be aware of them. One is Jeremy Corbell. Another is Brandon Fugal. Amy Eskridge’s case remains open.”

They misjudged if the men sent to intimidate us were to stop us from working on our story or scare us into silence.

Now, we knew Amy’s case was open.

One thing is certain. Amy Eskridge’s tragedy has every hallmark of an American Conspiracy. As every conspiracy theorist worth his or her salt knows, a good conspiracy has three components: it’s based on a cornerstone of truth, this truth is buried beneath a mountain of lies, and its assertions are unprovable. In Huntsville, Alabama, powerful individuals in Rocket City circled the Eskridge family. Their dynasty was already well established through the family influence within NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). In the affiliations list on Amy’s timeline, there are multiple influential and famous Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon (UAP) researchers, including those UAP scientists who study experimental physics, such as Hal Puthoff (EarthTech International), Eric Davis (EarthTech International, DARPA, NIDS), Travis Taylor (Redstone Arsenal, Radiance Technology, Quantum Frontier), and Tim Pickens (Former Head of Propulsion Bigelow Aerospace). There were other non-UAP scientists like Jim Ashburn (inventor of YBCO) and Bill Dent (Inventor). If there was some influence being held over the Eskridge family, it might be found in the NASA transfer of technology process. At the time, Amy’s science was illuminating one of the darkest corners: a field of study we activists generally call UAP science.

An interesting research angle appeared as I was working on this article. On Spaced Out Radio (SOR) two weeks ago, a commenter wrote, “Why are the panelists not saying civilian scientists?” Amy explained the frustrating process with NASA in an email to the Estes Park conference planners and attendees. There was an earlier NASA study (Eskridge, Nelson, & Milam, 2016) Richard Eskridge was working to get released, which she referenced as the “intellectual property” process they had already initiated. Then, she described additional work within her organization, The Institute of Exotic Sciences, that matured the earlier NASA science. Therefore, Amy already had results to share at the Estes Park Conference but was hamstrung to demonstrate it publicly due to a proprietary period with NASA. Without having a NASA technical lawyer to describe the minutiae between the technology transfer process from a former proprietary period with Quantum Machines, LLC, civilian science developed within NASA (Eskridge, Nelson, & Schoenfeld, 2021), and the Institute (a public benefit company) developing it further, we can’t draw any firm conclusions. We can assume that the disclosure bureaucracy must have been an administrative nightmare.

The Office of the Inspector General’s NASA Technology Transfer Process states, “This transfer of technology is consistent with the legislation that created NASA, which directs the Agency to provide for the widest practicable and appropriate dissemination of information concerning its activities and the results thereof.”

It means they’re supposed to share. What legally determines these structures in transitioning “civilian science” for the widest practicable usage? Investigators looking into these complexities need a background in these three intellectual property research veins: patent law (Space Act), research and development (R&D) contracts (Space Agreement with Quantum Machines, LLC, SAA8–1519855), and USG oversight of funding (defense, science, and technology). What the Eskridge family had to endure while this process unfolded would take Sisyphean levels of patience. In the lead-up to the Estes Park Conference, Amy became the arbitrator of negotiations between The Institute of Exotic Sciences, Falcon Space, and NASA.

In Richard Eskridge’s technical paper (Eskridge et al., 2021), he described the device used and conclusions from the earlier study. Richard proposed a future feasibility study based on these results but explained the complexities around access to the Bismuth Rotor Experiment devices. In his NASA paper, he clearly states, “The rotor device designed, fabricated, and tested at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) was called the ‘V3.’ This was the first experiment which used nucleonic spin as the origin of the spin coupled force” (pg. 19). In addition, he states,

“After these first successful test results, the experimental efforts were taken out of NASA to QM facilities. NASA MSFC helped QM build a new rotor device called the ‘V5.’ The V5 had improved framing, a new magnet cage assembly, better bearings, instrumented motors, and a data acquisition system. Successful tests producing high quality data were conducted with the V5 at QM. The V5 data and the V5 itself remains in possession of QM. No further work was conducted at NASA MSFC after construction and initial test of the V5 due to lack of additional Space Act Funding by QM. The work at NASA has not continued due to limitations imposed during the Space Act proprietary period. At the time of this writing, this proprietary period has ended, and NASA may therefore continue the research without limitation if desired. (pg. 23)”

In our July interview with Aiden Schaeffer, co-founder of Falcon Space in X Spaces, Aiden clarified the release of IP within NASA to the Institute. He referenced the most recent NASA paper Amy was transitioning (Eskridge, Nelson, & Schoenfeld, 2021) and the specific technical subject matter for release: the Eötvös effect. Another scientist who weighed in on the science Amy worked on at the Institute commented, “She was reverse engineering the Meissner Effect.” These two effects combine the study of superconductors, cooling temperatures, magnetic fields, materials, and Coriolis forces. The Eötvös effect is a vertical component of Coriolis forces. Coriolis forces explain the path of objects on rotating bodies. For example, the coriolis effect makes storms swirl clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere. Just before I clicked off my Signal chat with one of Amy’s friends, a subject matter expert who worked in Huntsville, Alabama, he said, “I wish you would just stop. This is the kind of thing that gets you killed.”

The Triumvirate of UAP Truth

Throughout the four-month-long investigation into Amy’s death, I uncovered a whole host of science and technology experts affiliated with her. I also unearthed several troubling characters. One called himself “Dan Cooper” and was featured on multiple podcasts when Corey Goode was Gaia’s Cosmic Disclosure celebrity. Goode made scurrilous claims to his co-host David Wilcock about a “20-and-back” program, claimed to be a child victim of the Secret Space Program (SSP), and that there was an Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (ICC) governing humanity’s evolution. I was surprised when I backtracked to Cooper’s podcast (Julian, 2021) and heard his claims about a National Security Agency (NSA) Antigravity shortlist.

In a video that was published of Amy Eskridge in a private meeting with Mark Sokol co-founder of Falcon Space, she cited the same list of antigravity scientists. Amy prefaced hers as those who “independently discovered antigravity.” They were Nikola Tesla, Eugene Podkletnov, Ken Wheeler, Richard Eskridge (Amy’s father), and Dan Cooper. In jest, Amy referenced Cooper as her SSP “katana-wielding, Japanese speaking, chess playing, time-traveling” contact. Besides being on a podcast and a few IMDB references, I have been unable to track down “Dan Cooper” to request comments for this article.

Throughout Amy’s interview, she described her disclosure plan, which included a media strategy, a documentary, and her white paper. Amy references Cooper multiple times as an SSP source in disclosure. Included in her dialogue, she names her own SSP list, although her short list is strictly within the Military Industrial Complex (MIC). The corporations she named were Lockheed Martin, Northrup Grumman, and Boeing. She also names characters like Dan Burisch and “Jeremiah” as fringe SSP time-traveling elements. These controversial characters are the reason critics tarnished Amy’s reputation. She entertained these conspiracies. While she doesn’t quite say she believes them, there is a clear crossover among the antigravity scientists listed. She portrays some parts of those listed as being valid. She would have first-hand knowledge of one of them, her father Richard Eskridge. She may have had second-hand knowledge of Eugene Podkletnov.

Through her privately held company Holochron Engineering (Eskridge, 2018) she probably replicated the Podkletnov experiment. She describes the term “antigravity” from transcripts of multiple audio files as a misnomer. She describes a Gradient Impulse Generator (GIG) to explain the science behind this assertion. In electrical engineering and physics, a gradient typically refers to a rate of change in spatial or temporal effects on electrical or magnetic fields. Impulse refers to changes in voltage or current. A generator produces the power or voltage. While we cannot know if Amy’s Podkletnov experiment worked, we can discern she was testing high voltage and pulse power technology. In her descriptions of Podkletnov’s earlier works, she described “time effects”, “holes punched through lightweight materials,” and “changes in gradients across YBCO (Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide).”

Despite the grandiose claims by people like “Dan Cooper” and Corey Goode about time travelers in the SSP, there are actual veins of UAP antigravity science and research that can be verified. Several fields of study help ground UAP science and physics. They are governmental, academic, and private industry. From Amy’s investigations into these exotic sciences, she gave a complete history of the Space Race and modern-day applications used in the current space economy.

In her historical timeline, one such example was Ning Li and Doug Torr. (Torr & Li, 1993; Torr & Li, 1992). Li and Torr studied antigravity in their projects at the University of Huntsville (UAH). Specifically, they theorized a magnetic field applied to a superconductor would align ion spins to produce gravitomagnetic and gravitoelectric effects. Popular Mechanics (Taming Gravity, 1996) ran an article about the collaboration between the UAH and NASA MSFC. In 1999, Li and Torr left UAH and founded AC Gravity, LLC. In 2001, they received a $500,000 DoD contract. Eventually, Ning Li went to work for Redstone Arsenal. However, no one knew where she was. Conspiracy theories circled that she had cancer, moved to China, or disappeared. Researchers later learned she lived in Huntsville and worked at Redstone the whole time. Ning Li’s experiments led to breakthroughs in superconductor-based anti-gravity using a high-temperature superconducting disk (HTSD). Her work focused on Type II superconductors, which included materials like YBCO.

Amy lists other vital strides in this research. An example is the Podkletnov Effect (Ventura, 2020), a rotating (YBCO) superconductor that produces gravity shielding. Amy shared Podkletnov’s work, which she readily admitted invited skepticism in the scientific community. She discussed the many attempts at replicating his work with citations of others who attempted to reproduce Podkletnov’s work such as Claude Poher (Poher, 2011; NASA, 2015), University of Sheffield, and Boeing’s GRASP Project. Amy also refers to Torr, Vargas, and Datta’s (2001) research on a “gravity beam generator” at the University of South Carolina. Their research was theoretical as their study explored the interplay between Einstein’s relativity and Maxwell’s Electromagnetism and how they might interact with gravity fields. In addition, she presented work done by Paul Murad and John Brandenburg of Morningstar Applied Physics — specifically, their work on a Modified Searl Machine with gravity-electric-magnetism. Brandenburg and Murad’s work is now known as GEM Theory.

Amy connected all these dots scientifically in a historical timeline. In her presentations, the last research she showcased was Boeing Phantom Works (2010) and their gravity research for advanced propulsion (GRASP, 2014). She referenced Eugene Poltkenov as a potential collaborator in the TR3-B “Black Triangle” as an example of back-engineered alien tech called the “Alien Reproduction Vehicle” (ARV). She likened this machine and its operating mechanism to a Brown Generator. Also referred to as a Brownian Generator, these devices use a theoretical concept called “Brownian Motion.” In physics, Brownian Motion is defined as a theoretical random movement of particles suspended in fluid to generate energy. We know from the Citizen’s Hearing the ARV was well represented by witnesses who testified about its existence with displays, schematics, and diagrams.

One person who was never introduced in the interview but soon ingratiated himself in Amy’s life was Michael Moran. Moran is an enigmatic character. Almost two years after Amy’s death, Moran was featured on Project Unity’s podcast (March 2024). He outlined his familial connections, work in biosciences, and work as a remote viewing professional trainer. Moran said one of his mentors was Paul Murad (Morningstar Applied Physics). He made several claims in the interview, including his affiliation and friendship with Lue Elizondo. Then, after the interview, Moran was quickly and quietly disavowed in IC back channels. An email was sent out by a DIA source checking on Moran’s background. In this email chain, which my research partner was blind copied on, Moran was officially thrown under the bus by multiple CIA and DIA contacts. In Moran’s interview, he introduced himself and his family ties with the Manhattan Project, Los Alamos, and Sandoz Labs.

John Ramirez confirmed Moran’s work as a subcontractor for DARPA in biosciences, as he served as a researcher for the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the National Intelligence Council. It was the National Intelligence Council work where Ramirez says he was first introduced to Moran. Ramirez also confirmed he was personally involved in a project for one of Moran’s companies, which involved applications of bioscience to explore warrior and warfighter enhancements. They were investigating special applications to evaluate soldiers’ performance during training.

In subsequent interviews with contacts who have worked with Moran, I found some real USG connections that led to JSOC, US Afghanistan pullout, and secret satellite technology. Beyond that, everyone who has commented about Michael Moran and done their investigations has warned that Moran’s reputation is mired in falsities, embedding himself with organizations (or leading-edge scientists) to probe for information and as a continual presence in UFO LARPing.

While Amy described UAP scientist Hal Puthoff in very unflattering terms in the video interview, she also told other friends he was like family. In a Hal 5 conference, Amy described the Hutchison Effect and Hal Puthoff’s work with Canadian inventor John Hutchison. While Hutchison was working with Tesla coils and electromagnetic fields (replicating Tesla’s experiments), he claimed anomalous effects on metal and wood objects. The anomalous effects observed while using frequencies were levitation, fusion of materials, fracturing, and changes in structure, such as crystalline and physical properties. Amy explained how Hutchison claimed to have accidentally replicated a novel aspect of the Philadelphia Experiment. Amy also described the subsequent anomalous metallurgical effects as a metal bar coiling and turning in on itself as if it had been melted. However, the warped metal was cold to the touch. Richard Eskridge also described the context of Hutchinson’s experiments and Hal’s interpretation of the anomalous effects. “Hal Puthoff told me, “oh, that guy was telekinetic.”

Hutchison’s experiments garnered a lot of attention in the 1980s. His lab was eventually raided, and the Vancouver Sun published the story. Later, Hutchison claimed he couldn’t produce the effects anymore. Richard Eskridge gave this story some context at the Hal 5 Conference and explained his personal experience, “I saw one of those beams. The guy at Hathaway Labs showed me one. It was a 6X6 beam. It was split down the middle and then twisted like it was taffy. But it didn’t look like it had ever been hot. He did experiments with Hutchison.” Amy informs the listening audience that Hutchison is affiliated with Hathaway Labs in Toronto. Hal Puthoff is also affiliated with Hathaway Labs. One of his projects listed is Metamaterials for TEM Impulse Radiator. A TEM (Transverse Electromagnetic) impulse radiator uses an antenna to radiate wideband impulses. Often, these short pulses are in the nanosecond range.

Later in the Hal 5 Conference, Amy and Richard referenced the DIRDs documents and Hal Puthoff’s descriptions of time effects while in a space warp bubble. This crux in the Hal 5 Q&A session becomes important down the road. Eventually, Amy sends out documents to scientists at UAPX referencing leaked DIRDS that revealed antigravity technology to US adversaries. One of her board members verified that the documents were authentic. Several others have accused them of being fake.

The Russians and Deadly LARPRs

According to a confidential source, Amy was working on a classified project assessing vulnerabilities for terrorism in subways. Since she worked in biosciences, we could see why the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) would have contracted her. When directed energy weapons became a threat to Amy personally, she began looking into different foreign nation-states that might use DEWs because of her classified projects. Amy was referred to the FBI to evaluate Russian and Chinese interference and who may have been responsible. One intelligence source close to Amy said, “The defense contractors and potential Russians aiming at Amy were using three car batteries strung together to a large handheld antenna.”

Since learning in our X space interview that an imposter called Mark Sokol and posed as an FBI agent, I found a specific comment about it on old X posts. Falcon Space referenced it. It was a post (11/17/22) in a discussion about Michael Moran and his involvement in LARPing. Falcon Space posted “I’ve heard he’s a wannabe FBI agent that pretends to be a real agent. I’ve also talked with him many times on the phone.”

Speaking off the record with one source close to Moran during our investigation, he recalled his first discussions with Moran about future projects, “When I first met him, he said, no one will work with me because the Russians killed my friend Amy. She was a scientist.” After her passing, there were several individuals the real FBI investigated. One potential suspect sent a UAPX scientist a screenshot of Amy’s injuries less than 24 hours after her passing. He threatened him, “You’d better stop unless you want this to happen to you.”

Another former intelligence agent who has been raising awareness of Amy’s story is Franc Milburn. Franc was a paratrooper, former British intelligence agent, and current subject matter expert for the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (SCU). He became friends with Amy through a happenstance meeting on #ufotwitter as she posted confidentially from her sock puppet account, RandoCalrissian. The two became friends, and Franc became a confidant. Eventually, she would share the disturbing images of what she suspected were directed energy weapons with Franc. Franc has done a high-level, ongoing investigation into the DEWs. He’s also gone on the record with reporter George Knapp and given a historical account of the threats, intimidation, and harassment against Amy, her family, business partners, and closest friends.

In a document Amy drafted herself, she describes the DEW incidents and her investigation into the Russians,

“We even figured out when it had to have happened. He sits in his recliner on the other side of me when we work. The fact that his head isn’t visible as a shadow on the pane right behind me implies that he wasn’t sitting there when it happened. It probably happened Saturday night last weekend while we were preparing for that briefing, during the 45 min time frame when he left the house to go pick up some food, while I was here alone sitting at the computer.

We were like…. Ok… these assholes just left physical evidence that is sufficient to reverse engineer what frequency it had to have been using. Because if we figured out what material the blinds are made out of, we could figure out the vaporization temperature of that material and how much energy it would take to atomize it to leave that image on the window. The distribution of the droplets of paint should be enough to figure out the wavelength.

A drone with some kind of RF — energy device / weapon? Yes. Aimed at the center of my skull. Perfect. While I was here alone to avoid hitting him. This might be the best physical evidence anyone has ever gotten. I mean… it’s right there, for all eternity, imprinted on the glass.”

She then goes on to describe her work for DHS,

“Individual vertebra are visible. You can see the nicotine mint in my mouth. No routine everyday technology that people have in their homes is capable of doing that. Could literally only be a DEW. While we were working on that biodefense briefing. Mike sent me that DHS announcement the night of the 3rd, the same day it was posted. I immediately sent the link to [family friend], and he was like “oh, I wrote a proposal to NIH 10 years ago literally proposing that they should set up a viral test bed in the New York City Subway. I have the proposal already written, I submitted it and they rejected it.” The next day, the locks on his truck no longer work. His garage door opener was broken. And his work computer was crashed when he got to the office. Immediate overnight entry of his truck, his garage and his office the same night. They crashed the work computer that he had written the original proposal on years ago. He luckily was able to find the document saved somewhere else.

Such an immediate overnight physical entry response strongly implies that one or both of our Signal apps are compromised by the adversary. They immediately entered and crashed his work computer to try to delete his old proposal. Attempt to slow down the new proposal submission effort. Then this DEW attack thing happened a couple days later while I was here to prepare for that meeting.

And there is an insider threat at all the agencies that prevents addressing it effectively. You basically have to find a third party who is outside of the insider threat matrix who understands the topic better than anyone else to solve this problem. I understand why though. Mike sent an email after the briefing saying that we had the deepest understanding of the broadest scope of topics of anyone they had talked to. He said his bosses referred to us as “the missing piece” and compared us to the “lost Ark” of understanding.”

Amy shifted gears. She began investigating DEWs and the physical effects of these attacks. As a bio-scientist subcontracting for DHS, she would have been one of the best scientists in the US looking into it. She had first-hand knowledge of these attacks. At the same time, there were other separate DEWs cases reported in the FBI and CIA. We know from lawsuits by FBI agents hit with DEWs and CIA operatives who went on CBS. They shared their stories that these DEW attacks are real. It was originally brought to the US at the Cuban embassy. Originally called “Havana Syndrome” it was the first publicized case of US diplomats working in Havana at the embassy. One UAP scientist who has been researching DEWs and UAPs commented, “After Garry Nolan said that UAP injuries and Havana are two different families of phenomena, I focused my ideas on prosaic weapon sources.”

In December 2023, congress changed the old terminology from Havana Syndrome to Anomalous Health Incidents (AHI) in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA, 2023). Researchers can track the change of legalese entered in specific sections of the NDAA and UAPDA. An important section that remained in the act was terminology addressing Anomalous Health Incidents (AHI). Section 917 (pg. 570) describes authorization entitled Modification of a cross-functional team to address emerging threats relating to anomalous health incidents.

This section outlines definitions of AHI and inserts language regarding identification and counter measures. Such specific language incorporates “capabilities” that could result in anomalous health incidents. Subsection B includes additional terminology regarding activities which may be necessary “to identify AHI, determine causes, sources, capabilities, or phenomena which AHI incidents may be attributed.” Other subsections will require a complete and detailed legal analysis of the new language including, “non-kinetic capabilities plausibly related to anti-personnel capabilities, directed energy weapons, detection and mitigation of such capabilities, and counter measures.”

Amy comments on it as well,

“The more effort the adversary puts in to obtain the information, the more the home team should care about that. If the adversary cares enough about surveilling the information that they are willing to leave obvious physical evidence behind of having done it, then someone really needs to deploy an effort to investigate the surveillance attempts and immediately stop them. The home team might not even fully realize yet why the surveilled information is so important, because they do not yet fully understand the plans and motivations of the enemy. But you can maybe reverse engineer the plans and motivations of the enemy, simply by paying close attention to who they are surveilling super hard, even at the expense of leaving physical evidence, and what those very heavily surveilled people happen to be doing and working on.

I feel like I have been screaming into the wind for years now, informing anyone and everyone of what is going on, and most of them ignore me. They either don’t fucking get it at all, or they are intentionally pretending to not understand.”

Last week, I was up early. It was 5 AM and I was texting a UAP researcher. I was standing on my back porch. As I texted, I saw a flash in the woods. It was bright, short, and seemed like someone was using a camera. I backed off the porch quietly into the house. I turned all the lights off so as not to be seen moving within the confines of my home. My children slept quietly, unaware. Then, a shot rang out. It was close. The hairs on the back of my neck stood erect. Suddenly, a dream came to mind. It was shortly after I published the second article. The words arrived as if I had written them. Four short words. You. Are. Not. Safe. As I woke, I knew it was my psyche warning me. An interplay on the earlier piece about Amy. Mimicking the four words every UAP advocate waits to hear in our post-disclosure world, “We are not alone.” These new four words warned of a threat. I pay attention to my dreams. I take them seriously. As I roamed through the house, I thought of another dream. One Earlier that morning, I dreamt of what Gavin de Becker teaches about threat assessment. He developed the Mosaic Threat Assessment. Then, I thought of one of my favorite sports quotes from American boxer Joe Frazier,

“You can map out a flight plan or a life plan, but when the action starts, it may not go as planned, and you’re down to your reflexes — that means your preparation. That’s where your roadwork shows. If you cheated in that dark of the morning, well, you’re gonna get found out now, under the bright lights.”

What is also uniquely American about this story is the freedoms we hold dear. Freedoms such as speech, the right to bear arms, and due process, to be considered innocent first, with the onus on the system to prove otherwise. We have the freedom to learn, rise, and innovate. Educate. Litigate. Pray. Castigate. We are free to pursue every desire in our search for happiness, which is as rare and magnificent as freedoms come. We’ve been born and bred on certain ideals and homegrown notions that are every bit as natural to us as the beautiful soil we live on without thinking a second thought. We take certain liberties for granted because we inherently believe in our way of life. We have the individualistic power to earn a certain way of life. This makes us particularly unique and Western as opposed to the spirit of the East, which is built on the collective. A thousand voices lay at our feet and speak to us. They form the ‘American Spirit.’

In these parts, you don’t tell an eagle not to fly and you don’t tell an American they can’t because they believe they sure as heck fire can. Do you tell the fastest American NFL cornerback Darrell Green not to run the rock? Hell no. You don’t tell Lane Stanley of Alice and Chains not to scream-sing. You don’t tell Jimmy Hendrix not to play his axe. Or, tell Alexie Sherman he can’t write about life on the Rez. You don’t tell Robert Kearns not to invent the intermittent windshield wiper. And you sure as hell, don’t tell an American competitor not to compete. We believe in dreams.

So, when you tell an American scientist not to science, she’s gonna science the shit out of whatever she’s sciencing. The irony in our society, which used to be built on democratic ideals, has evolved into a corporate oligarchy. When a true inventor, innovator, or break-through scientist butts up against the ceiling of that corporate reality, they feel the full force of “democracy” bearing down. And it feels a lot like intellectual property law. National Security. The New American Way.

Every UAP researcher, regardless of the research line of inquiry, feels the call. I felt called to Amy Eskridge. I resisted this call for a long time because of fear. Disclosure carries us through some dark territory. We find ways to toughen up and navigate it. I believe truth runs for the light. The guiding force I tap into is my heart while working in dark places. When discerning whether to continue the Amy Eskridge story, I felt my heart ache, and listened to Amy. She had laid out the science. She had done the roadwork. We only needed to listen. We also must fight the fear. Threat narrative. Whatever you want to call it. We are part of something bigger than ourselves. Our own biases, narratives, and experiences in Disclosure are issues to confront. We search for collective truth and transparency. We must come together. And when we do. We are a force to be reckoned with. We must hear the call, listen to our hearts, and escape the dark by following the light.

A few researchers in UAP science have investigated Amy Eskridge’s case and had break-ins, high strangeness, and harassment. Our unwillingness to back down in this investigation makes my researcher friend and my experiences unique. We had to shine the light. We must. It’s what we’re led and compelled to do. Don’t hide your light under a bushel but keep your roadwork tight because when things don’t go according to plan, there’s when your roadwork shows.

I live in Alaska. One of the principles of living here is Native traditions that guide life. Native communities make a Declaration of Friendship. This is done in a spirit of sharing. Sharing wisdom, traditional ways, and living off this epic land. We can adopt these principles in UAP research and make the same declarations. Leading with this in mind, we can come together in our efforts and help one another. We can push transparency together and share in spirit what we know. Help one another. Protect one another. Push the boundaries of disclosure safely, ensuring we build a safety net of success for one another. Because if there is one battle cry for transparency, and we’re united, no force on Earth can stop us in our collective search for truth. Truth runs for the light. Be that light. We can be the change with those principles in our hearts, minds, and spirits. When we work together, we can’t go wrong because when collective roadwork shows in the bright lights of Disclosure, we have nothing to fear, but fear itself. Face the fucking fear, say a prayer, and do it anyway. Work within our collective spirit and let it carry you along.

Eskridge, R. H., Nelson, M. A., & Schoenfeld, M. P. (2021). A Study of the Pope-Osborne Angular Momentum Synthesis Theory (POAMS) Including a Mathematical Reformulation and Validation Experiment (No. M-1531).

Executive Producer “Julian” (August 12, 2021). Former U.S. Air Force Dan Cooper Military SSP Whistleblower Earth Liberation Update (№140) [Audio Podcast Episode]. Journey to Truth Podcast

Eskridge, Amy. (December 6, 2018). A Historical Perspective on Anti-Gravity Technology. L5 Society (HAL5) Huntsville, AB.

Torr, D. G., & Li, N. (1993). Gravitoelectric-electric coupling via superconductivity. Foundations of Physics Letters, 6, 371–383.

Li, N., & Torr, D. G. (1992). Gravitational effects on the magnetic attenuation of superconductors. Physical Review B, 46(9), 5489.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (April 15, 2019). NASAs Technology Transfer Process. Office of the Inspector General.

National Defense Authorization Act (December 2023). National Defense Authorization Act Fiscal Year 2024 HR 2670. Conference Report.

Poher, C., & Poher, D. (2011). Physical phenomena observed during strong electric discharges into layered Y123 superconducting devices at 77 K. Applied Physics Research, 3(2), 51.

Ventura, Tim (2020). Eugene Podkletnov 2020 Experiments [YouTube Video]. Alt Propulsion



Courtney Marchesani

M.S., Mind-Body Medicine, Author Four Gifts of the HIghly Sensitive