A Big Thank You

Colby Ragland
3 min readApr 9, 2017


I would like to take some time today to thank all the people who have put me where I am today. My parents, grandparents, peers, teachers, and last and certainly least the people that I hate.

Let me tell you something my parents are some pretty amazing people. They care for me, feed me, put up with me, put me through school, guide me through tough decisions, make the bad times good, have given me everything that I have today, made me who I am, and most of all they love me. I will never be able to thank my parents enough, they give me so much and I will never be able to pay them back. They work so hard so that we can do fun things like go to the movies, go out to eat, the list goes on. I know at times that I may seem like a pain, a liability but I can tell you that I am trying my hardest to keep my head up, out of all the bad stuff that goes on in this world. Thank you mom and dad, I love you.

My grandparents are the nicest people you will ever meet. I strive to have the patience and knowledge that they have. They always know what to do, what to say, how to do something. My grandfather is truly a jack of all trades, he knows about anything and everything. They are so sweet and I love spending time with them. Thank you guys, I love you.

Before I start I would like to give a shout out to all of my friends out there. The peers that I have are pretty cool people. They are a mix of all different types of people and they are why I don’t beat my head into the wall at school. The class clowns keep me on my toes, the smart people let me know where I am on the totem pole almost like an older sibling, the kids who I have never talked to are what keeps me going because I know that some of them just might be future friends. So a huge thank you to my peers for keeping school interesting.

Teachers are honestly the people that keep the world spinning, without them everyone would be screwed. They inform the youth that they don’t in fact know everything and that there is a lot left to discover. They teach all the kids about what it takes to be an adult and some of them even give out life lessons. They are the people who can change our mood in so few words it is kind of scary. They are completely underpaid but they deal with it, they are more dedicated to their job than anyone else in the world. Massive thank you to all the teachers in the world for preparing me for life.

Last and least the people that I hate. You are the epitome of knowledge and my mental health. The only thing that I have to thank you for is teaching me what NOT to do in life and school. So thanks… I guess.

