5 min readAug 18, 2020


From the all-star team with more than 30 years of dev experience that previously brought to you nothing you have ever heard of, a deep understanding of tokenomics and game theory (we made an excel after it became apparent the first five iterations were deeply flawed) and a test in prod attitude that makes Andre Cronje look like a soviet escalator monitor, we (proudly?) present to you

So you likely found your way to our landing page and are wondering what on earth COWs are, how you can get COWs, how you get more COWs and wen moon? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Get your six shooter ready, grab your steed and get ready for the ride of your life as we walk you through all the mechanics behind COW rearing.

From the outset, you should know that our token was inspired by Tokens of Babel but we wanted to add even more game theory into the mix by rewarding HODLers that rear their COWs from one robbery to the next. We also would have never though this up if it weren’t for the amazing team that came up with YAMs, so big shout out to them.

So, if you’ve always fancied yourself a bit of a COWboy, let’s charge right in. Yee-haw!

Initial Distribution

In the next few days, we plan to host a pre-sale and a public sale for the initial batch of COWs. These are all the COWs that will be circulating when we officially launch (planned for later this week). The token model for COWs is as follows:

Now, I hear you asking “What’s the breeding pool and why are so many tokens in there? Sounds like a scam.” We will get to that. If we ignore the breeding pool, as that won’t be circulating initially, the initial distribution will look like this:

That’s better right?! “Oh but the team have 17% of the allocation, they’re going to dump on us! It’s a scam!” Ah, wrong again my friend. As we took a lot of inspiration from TOB (and XAMP) in coming up with our token model, we have also been inspired by their lock-up, so those tokens will be vesting linearly over the course of 8 months from the launch. And why would we dump when we can breed?!

In total, there will be 21,000,000 COWs in existence. Not sure where we came up with that number, think it was some boomer coin that no-one really uses anymore. That means the initial distribution will be 10,500,000.

Breeding 🐮

So, first up, to allay your fees on the gigantic allocation to the breeding pool, we are going to explain to you why this is so awesome. Token flippers, you can skip this part, as you won’t be doing any breeding. COWs don’t like running around all over the place.

If you hold onto your COWs, there is a good chance you’ll be rewarded for it (around 10% in fact — COWs ain’t rabbits after all). Every day, 10% of COWboys that didn’t sell their COWs since the last snapshot will be selected at random. These COWboys have clearly gotten the knack of COW rearing, as their COWs will breed, with additional COWs being rewarded to them from the COW breeding pool. The 10% of COWboy HODLers will receive the distribution from the breeding pool pro-rata to the COWs held by them. If you’re lucky, you can double your herd in just 5 days!

How many COWs are bred? Well, over the first 30 days, 50% of the breeding pool will be distributed to COWboys (an equal amount each day). After that, the reward is halved, and halvings continue every 30 days. So, that means in the first month, a total of 15,250,000 COWs will be bred, meaning it pays to get in and breed your COWs early, with hands stronger than Cool Hand Luke. After that, the reward is halved on a weekly basis. Using this model, it will take about 2 years for all of the COWs to be bred. We’ll all be put out to pasture before then I’m sure!


You didn’t think it would be that easy though right?! You’d better watch out, cos there are bandits in town and they are coming for your COWs! So, this is the bit where we borrow some concepts from Tower of Babylon.

During the first two weeks, the bandits will be riding off into the sunset with 1% of the COWs everyday. After that, they will likely only be going after COWs when they can get a good price for them from the butcher. Specifically, when the daily high paid by a butcher for a COW is more than the previous maximum price paid by the butcher (with a little bit of decay over time thanks to good ‘ol Billy ‘the Kid’ Drummond.

Cattle Market

So, how do ya get your hands on some COWs? We’ll be hosting a pre-sale on the cattle market in the coming days, along with a public sale (short for another pre-sale at a higher price) before we go and list them COWs up on Uniswap with some locked liquidity and boom, we’re off to the races.

We are just in the process of making sure ‘dem COWs are breeding real good (don’t want no mad cow disease) and then we’ll be rolling on out.

🐮 🐮 🐮

So, there y’all have it! Any questions, just drop on by to The Saloon and have a cold one with us.

