To me it’s all black & white.

2 min readOct 18, 2018


Sunrise in Iraq. circa 2006

It’s not about white people being scared of black people.
It’s people hating people.

It’s not about immigrants threatening your way of life.
It’s people scared of people.

It’s not about the politicians & leaders failing.
It’s people not thinking for themselves.

When you’re the only person who subscribes to a particular school of thought, you are isolated. But when you’re part of that school of thought, you’re likely to be celebrated. I recently had a person who I highly respect and feel I could deeped on, laugh at an aspect of my life which is my school of thought. So needless to say, it was a bit humbling.

You can always lose you cool and have your ego bruised, but that only breeds resentment. That’s what creates a divide in people And I don’t want to build those metaphysical barriers. This is lowest hanging fruit stuff. Because to me, it’s all black & white.

Consider the fact that we live in a 3D world and therefore our logic boils down to a boolean model. When you’re part of the crew, it’s all good. To the clique goes the spoils. But also an individual can have all the glory.

Look and if someone says something to hurt you, that’s one thing. If someone does something that happens to hurt you, consider that they are projecting to you. Don’t take it personal. Besides there will be no getting out of those moments. When you experience them, you experience them, but you do get to choose how to react.

True, you might get your ego hurt, but hold steadfast to your commitment, whoever might do you wrong might not be doing it with malice. Everyone projects and consumes. Watch out of psychic vampires, those who drain your time.

