How to Deal With Things That Make Your Golf Cart Cover Dirty

Ben Cox
3 min readJul 21, 2018


Indeed, even perfect monstrosities will find that stains have a strange method for getting into a golf cart cover. Regardless of whether you’re very fanatical about keeping it flawless, by one means or another, they discover a method for discoloring your somewhat dream golf cart covers. What would you be able to do at that point? You’re not that powerless with stains tormenting your golf cart covers. Here are the most well-known ones and how to manage them:


Grass stains are well on the way to torment your carriages cover when you’re using your vehicle, however just a couple of times each month. Some way or another, when you are prepared to dump using the cover amid the late spring because you’ll be using the cart all the more frequently, you’ll see the stains of grass have discovered a path in the lower parts of your golf cart cover. Things being what they are, how would you manage these troublesome greenish stains that turn dark colored and extremely hardheaded once they have saturated the material? You would need to pre-treat or absorb the cover an item that contains compounds. At that point, in the wake of giving the thing a chance to settle and cooperate with the grass recolor, use a net or brush and brush with sensible weight. If the issue recolor holds on, use oxygen fade, which means splash the issue territory medium-term before touching it.

Fowl droppings

This would be one stain that should most likely influence the best bit of your golf cart cover. Oddly enough, regardless of whether you have stopped your golf cart in a roofed region, winged animal droppings may at present by one means or another discover their way into your cover. Quick consideration ought to be given to these stains, as there is a fluid segment of the dropping that tends to isolate from the strong elixir and leave a tough stain which would be exceptionally obvious if you have a light-hued golf cart cover. In the first place, clean the useful bit of the dye by flushing the territory with fresh water. Rub off any staying dropping precisely with a spoon on a dull-edged blade, ensuring the stain doesn’t spread. Use a fluid clothing cleanser with catalysts to rub the stain with. Mellow dye is additionally prudent. If the stain is still evident after you have tried it, use a little hydrogen peroxide drops. You should then approve of using a clothes washer.


Much the same as grass, mud can influence the lower segment of the golf cart cover, particularly the part that gets in contact with the cart’s wheels. To dispose of mud stains, you have to get over as much mud as you can. For staying light stains, absorb it a glue made of water and powder cleanser before washing. For substantial stains, have a go at dousing the recolored region with an item that has chemicals and fades before washing the whole golf cart cover.

