Welcome to the Family!

Charles Paparelli
4 min readJul 14, 2017


I had no idea what you would put your mom through the day you were born. Her water broke at 4 am. She called and woke me up right after to say she and your dad were headed to the hospital.

I hung up the phone and prayed. I had tears in my eyes. The day was finally upon us.

The good news was Grandma was traveling in from Denver. I was to pick her up at 5:30 am. This would make it easy for me to bring her to the hospital so she could help your mom through labor.

I know God’s hand was in this. The week before, your Great-grandmother Sue lost her balance and broke her hip. I made arrangements for your Grandma Kathy to fly to Denver for the week to be with her mom.

I booked a round trip flight with Grandma Kathy coming back on Wednesday, July 5th at 5:45 pm. But I got a call from her on July 4th telling me I had mistakenly booked her to leave Denver on July 5th at 12:55 am! I didn’t even know there were red eyes from Denver. She decided to keep the flight booking, and look how it all worked out.

This was the first amazing piece which happened the day you were born.

When Grandma and I got to the hospital at 6 am, we went right to your mom’s labor room. Everything was going well until it wasn’t. Your mom started to have harder contractions. I hated to see my baby girl in such pain. But you would be proud like I was; she is one strong woman. I felt for her but couldn’t do anything. In fact, Grandma Kathy told me it was time to leave.

You and your mom were in good hands. Your dad was there. He was protecting your mom and getting ready to meet you. You could see his concern for his wife and now his concern for you. He was there to do all he could to make everything all right.

Sitting outside in the waiting area, I was comforted by your dad’s whole family. Grandma and Grandpa Hamilton and aunts and uncles. It was a big crew. I learned so much about the family you were about to join. All I can say is, you are one lucky little boy. They are so loving and so close. They will be there for you. Absolutely. No doubt about it.

We went from excitement to a long afternoon of waiting. I would pop in on your mom from time to time as Grandma Kathy would allow. Just before I left the delivery room for the last time, we all gathered around your mom and prayed. We prayed for your mom’s health and safety during the delivery. We gave thanks to God for preparing you for this moment…your launch date.

In fact, Grandma and I have been praying for you every day from the moment your mom told us she was pregnant with you. We prayed to God for your health and your mom’s health. God was knitting you together in mom’s womb. Each week your mom would send us a profile picture of how both of you were doing. It was all so exciting.

As the labor entered the sixteenth hour, complications arose. With each contraction, mom was trying to push you out. I was told you would show the top of your head, but when the pushing stopped, you would pop back in. After an hour of this, the doctor said, “Lisa will need to push for another hour. If the baby does not come then, we’ll have to do a C-Section.”

Word came to me about this decision via text message from your Aunt Julia. She was in the labor room with your mom, dad and grandma every step of the way. That’s when I sent a text message to all my close family and friends. I gave them an update and pleaded with them to pray for you and your mom. I then went into a corner of the hospital lobby and kneeled down and prayed. I was so scared for you and your mom. I asked God to make it all right. To keep my daughter healthy and bring you into the world screaming.

After three hours of pushing, we finally heard the good news. At 10:17 the text message came from Aunt Julia. Allen Scott Hamilton V was born. Both you and your mom were doing well. I also heard God answered my prayer to the detail. As you were halfway out, you started to scream. You weren’t even all the way into the world, and you took your very first breath. I guess you were ready to be here. Welcome.

Because the day was so long for your mom, we didn’t get to see you that night. I was overwhelmed when I saw how tired Grandma Kathy was and how excited Aunt Julia was when they finally arrived at the waiting room. Aunt Julia gave us all the details of your birth and how hard your mom and dad worked to make your birthday a reality. You have the best parents ever!

With tears in our eyes, we took time to pray thanksgiving to our mighty and powerful God. As Eve said after giving birth to Cain, “With the Lord’s help, I have produced a man.” You, Lord, are the giver of life. Thanks for Scotty. Please protect him and make him yours.

Leave it to God’s perfect timing. Scotty is a fifth in the Hamilton clan, and he was born on the 5th of July.

