Carolyn Bentley
Carolyn Bentley

Carolyn Bentley

Growing wiser

111 stories

Star sticker “You tried”, and a bubble speech saying “There, There…”
Carolyn Bentley

Carolyn Bentley


144 stories

A person wearing a “BIDEN HARRIS” cap and a face mask with a graphic of a person wearing sunglasses is surrounded by other people. The person is holding a smartphone and appears to be looking at the screen. The crowd around them is also engaged with their phones. The person has long hair and is wearing sunglasses. The background is slightly blurred, emphasizing the central figure.
A cartoon cake slice with sad eyes and tears, they are obviously distressed.
Carolyn Bentley

Carolyn Bentley


32 stories

Carolyn Bentley

Carolyn Bentley


70 stories

Carolyn Bentley

Carolyn Bentley


6 stories

Carolyn Bentley

Carolyn Bentley


26 stories

Carolyn Bentley

Carolyn Bentley

political and social

29 stories

Ganesha statue, a colorful Hindu image of a man with and elephant head and four arms.
Painting of a temple choir boy, 1928. The boy looks terrified.
Carolyn Bentley

Carolyn Bentley


18 stories

Two-year-old boy wearing a suit jacket with American flag decals speaks at a blue podium. American flags are in the background. My toddler was elected mayor of my town, perhaps this is the best route to go in the upcoming presidential election.
A buff-and-white-breasted small bird on a mossy branch singing, its beak wide open with exultation. Pale grey and white background, like a cloudy sky.
Carolyn Bentley

Carolyn Bentley


5 stories

Carolyn Bentley

Carolyn Bentley


5 stories

Carolyn Bentley

Carolyn Bentley


1 story

Carolyn Bentley

Carolyn Bentley


11 stories

the New York Times paper version photo
Carolyn Bentley

Carolyn Bentley

worth the read, fiction

1 story

Carolyn Bentley

Carolyn Bentley


6 stories

Carolyn Bentley

Carolyn Bentley

To watch

No stories