Spastic Cerebral Palsy Disorder in Children

Cerebral Palsy Treatment
3 min readMay 27, 2016


Spastic Cerebral Palsy Disorder

Spastic Cerebral Palsy Disorder

It is very critical situation to face for those parents when physician and doctor diagnosis their children with cerebral palsy problem. This situation not only critical for parents it also critical for doctors due to this confusing cerebral palsy disorder, because doctors need long time to complete and accurate diagnosis of cerebral palsy disorder in children. After using various types of testing methods specialist or cerebral palsy professional are able to identify and able to tell their cerebral palsy children parents that which type of cerebral palsy problem affect the children.

Cerebral palsy problem occur due to come damages in the part of brain which make weak coordination between brain to muscles and loss their body movement capability. Child brain start develop during the time of pregnancy, depending upon the damages of brain it classified various types of cerebral palsy problem in children. In these types of cerebral palsy disorder, spastic cerebral palsy is one of the most common type cerebral palsy.

Here parents must remember that cerebral palsy is non progressive disorder that do not deteriorate as one’s age. Certainly is not contagious or hereditary factors, and in any case not that threaten life. If a child with spastic cerebral palsy was diagnosed, means that your child muscle stiffness, which tend to be too tight has become. It show stunning stress or tone when muscles get stretched. Sometimes when they are hyperactive, making the child stretched out or movements awkward viewing. Normal people tend to work the muscles in groups of two.When group on our body muscles wants to give signal to for movement then other group of muscle are feel relax and give no reaction on limb movement. But in spastic paralysis, spastic muscles at the same time active and this prevents muscle movement and this war between the two groups is called the co-contraction.

There are major three types of cerebral palsy problem which affect children mostly. First is spastic diplegia cerebral palsy, second is spastic hemiplegia cerebral palsy and third is spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy. Spastic diplegia cerebral palsy affect on children legs and hip. legs and hip are become rigid and tight which crossed at position knees so, it make cerebral palsy children to walk and stand properly. This condition of legs are known as scissors gait.

When children affected with spastic hemiplegia cerebral palsy problem then one side of body get right or stiffness. The movement of one side of body parts are block. In this case on hand either right or left and leg right or left are affected. There nor normal growth see by their parents but they still walk using braces.

In spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy disorder problem four limb of body is affected, in this disorder children affected by mentally and face lots of problems to speak, move and eat.

Treatment of spastic cerebral palsy is possible by best doctors for cerebral palsy. Different cerebral palsy therapy and surgery give new life to cerebral palsy children and help to manage their problem easily. Those children who affected with such a problem always suggest for therapies including yoga, dance, music, drawing etc.



Cerebral Palsy Treatment

Trishla Foundation, one of the best cerebral palsy diagnosis, therapy and surgery treatment center in India.