Why You Should Listen to This 64-Year-Old Woman

Claudine Young
3 min readMar 13, 2024

I’m in a cafe, listening to a table of 20-somethings chatting about heartbreak, career confusion, and feeling lost. These challenges aren’t confined just to youngsters. I’ve seen it, done it, lived it. And to some degree, I still am. Life sometimes knocks you down, but getting back up is what matters. I’ve overcome obstacles and adapted to change (hell, when I was at school, mobile phones and the internet didn’t exist!)! So whilst listening in on their conversation (…sorry, but I couldn’t help myself …) I had a lightbulb moment. I’ve been there! And more than once! My tenacity and experience could guide and inspire you to face your challenges head-on and assist you to come out the other side relatively unscathed.

At 64, trust me, life doesn’t magically become clear-cut. You would think that you might have just figured out life once you hit near-retirement age. But no! Jobs still suck sometimes, relationships can get messy, and self-doubt? That little gremlin never fully goes away. Body image? Now, that’s a whole story of its own!

But here’s the thing: six decades teach you a few tricks. I’ve learned when to fight and when to let go. I know the times when a damn good glass (or bottle) of wine beats any motivational mantra. I’ve made glorious mistakes, bounced back from setbacks, and found joy in unexpected corners. I’ve lived!! Life brings challenges. It knocks you down, but getting back up is what matters.

So, here’s the deal: Think of me as your slightly more wrinkled agony aunt. There’s no sugarcoating, but plenty of been-there-done-that perspective. Do you have a burning question about career pivots at 50? Do you have relationship woes that feel too ‘old’ to discuss? Are you unsure how to find your spark after the kids fly the nest? I’ve wrestled with all these dilemmas and have come out the other side (relatively) unscathed. I’ve navigated careers, relationships, challenges, joys and heartaches. My scars tell stories and lessons learned. I won’t tell you that life is all roses because it sure isn’t! And it doesn’t always get better as you get older. Getting older has its challenges, which I will happily share with you, should you need to prepare for the inevitable.

The world too often tunes out older voices. When I was young(er), I thought I knew everything. And now, what I wouldn’t give is to be able to ask my parents for advice.

Passion doesn’t stop at 64—quite the contrary. My passions burn bright, and my enthusiasm is (I’m told) contagious. I hope that I might motivate you to pursue your dreams with the same fire. I still chase ambitions and learn with infectious enthusiasm. Maybe my spark might ignite yours.

So, the next time you encounter a woman like me, don’t dismiss her as “old-fashioned.” The older generation has a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective that can enrich your journey. You might just be surprised by what you learn.

Drop your dilemmas in the comments. Let’s swap stories, and I’ll offer a shoulder. Maybe together, we can even find some solutions. Because, let’s be honest, the world gets a lot less confusing when you know you’re not alone in the mess we call life.



Claudine Young

Been around the block a few times. My stories might surprise you, my perspective might shift yours.