Michael Bak, new Managing Director of #CPHFTW

Welcome to our new Managing Director of #CPHFTW



Following up on Monday’s post, today we want to announce and welcome the new Managing Director of #CPHFTW who started February 1st. It is none other than Michael Bak — one of the most senior profiles to join a startup organisation in Europe, and we are thrilled to welcome him as part of the #CPHFTW family!

Michael has a strong profile with many years of experience as an entrepreneur and working with ecosystems. Amongst others, he is co-founder of three startups, former Managing Director of the entrepreneurship competition, Venture Cup, and joins #CPHFTW after heading up the BLOXHUB BuildTech accelerator.

#CPHFTW — the past and the future
A key part of #CPHFTW’s work is to attract talent and foreign investors, promote startups, share knowledge and help entrepreneurs to the next step in their development.

In 2016, the Danish tech community achieved significant international visibility and #CPHFTW was a central component when tech.eu concluded how the Danish startup ecosystem serves as a role model. Moreover, 2016 was the year where we had prominent international names like Robert Scoble, early investor in Uber, Chris Sacca speaking and inspiring the Danish entrepreneurs at our legendary sold out Townhall events with more than 3500 attendees.

Our newly appointed Managing Director is ready to take #CPHFTW to the next level in 2017 for the organisation, all the members and the community builders. Everyone on the team will be focusing on bringing new levels to the important tasks we have at hand on internationalisation of capital and talent as well as further developing our unique community model — following the input from our energetic 3 Year Anniversary.

“I am extremely humbled and proud to partake in what’s bound to be the most exciting year in Danish tech — there is huge attention towards the whole Nordic scene, and we have a unique opportunity right now to drive efforts towards especially international capitalisation, recruitment and policy for the benefit of all. Both for our members; but essentially for the whole ecosystem. And we’ll be launching new initiatives to target these challenges shortly.” Michael Bak, new Managing Director, #CPHFTW

“Michael Bak is the most senior profile to lead a startup organisation in Europe so far — with a unique experience from being an entrepreneur, working to support entrepreneurs and building ecosystems across his career. With Michael at the helm Danish startups have the best representation we can wish for.” Thomas Madsen-Mygdal, Founder & Chairman, #CPHFTW — Founder & CEO, TwentyThree.

And so, we are happy to have Michael on board and looking forward to a continuous collaboration with all of our members.

Best wishes,
Martin, Thomas, Rasmus, Lærke, Sebastian and team

