Jaren Li: Avionics Update for Active Stabilization

Active Stabilization
2 min readNov 4, 2019


Hello Everyone, I’m Jaren, the Avionics Lead of the Active Stabilization and Precision Altitude Targeting Senior Project, also known as Active Stabilization. In this post, I will be going over the project updates on the avionics part of the project.

Background of Avionics System

In our project, the avionics is separate from the Guidance, Navigation, & Control system, also known as GNC. The avionics system is a separate system from the GNC in order to record its own separate set of data. This data will be used to verify the GNC data in order to make sure everything has worked as designed. This avionics bay will be using an MS5611 barometric pressure sensor, MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope module, and a ZED-F9P GPS module. The data collected by these sensors will then be recorded onto a micro SD card for review later.

Current Status

Currently, the system is still in the design and prototyping phase. The sensors have been ordered and the system has been partially assembled. The coding side needs more work and is waiting for the ordered parts to arrive. Once all the parts arrive over the coming week, the prototype will be assembled so it could be fully coded.

What to Expect

In addition to recording the data provided by each of the sensors, the avionics system will also be used as your main recovery system. This will be done through the barometer. This barometer will be measuring the altitude and velocity in order to detect apogee and to deploy a drogue parachute before deploying the main a few hundred feet above the ground.

In the near future, the avionics system is planned on being completed in the coming weeks so it could be put onto a custom PCB board. This board would then be used as our main avionics system and the avionics team would then be used to help program the GNC system.

Thanks for Reading!

