Earn without investment in Injective Ambassador Program!

10 min readApr 24, 2024


Crew, I know that most of you are just starting to earn your first money in cryptocurrency, so today I will tell you how you can get paid by crypto projects, even without special talents.

But keep in mind, this is not a “free money”, you have to work for it! If you don’t even have the opportunity to invest time, it will be extremely difficult to change your life for the better. Dedicate at least an hour per day!

1. What is an Ambassador Program?

An Ambassador Program is a marketing strategy through which projects attract users to promote their token.

Ambassadors are responsible for organizing events, creating content, actively engaging with the community, and attracting new users.

Projects usually pay in their tokens, so in this case for your activity, you will receive INJ, which you can later send at staking or exchange for USDT.

2. What is Injective?

Ideally, a separate article should be dedicated to analyzing the project, so if there is increased interest in Injective, please leave comments.

But before we start, important terminology for understanding:

Layer 1 (first-level blockchain) — the most fundamental type of blockchains. They provide storage, processing, and verification of transactions, are responsible for creating blocks, network security, and much more.

L1 blockchains have the highest popularity, for example, Bitcoin and Ethereum are first-level blockchains. ETH has many “extensions”, which are called Layer 2 networks, and their task is to unload the main network.

Injective is a first-level blockchain specifically created for finance, more precisely for DeFi. Its task is to unify all available markets into one common market, whether they are stocks, forex, or cryptocurrencies.

The project is built on the Cosmos blockchain, making it highly compatible with other ecosystems: Cosmos, Solana, BSC, Ethereum, Avalanche, Polygon, Polkadot — and many many more blockchains are compatible!

Moreover, Injective offers instant transactions and almost zero fees!

Injective has attracted a massive amount of investment, with funds investing here including Binance Lab, Jump Crypto, Pantera, Mark Cuban, and many other major institutions trusting their money in the project.

To sum it up in one sentence, Injective’s task is to provide as comfortable a working environment as possible with any type of finance (traditional/cryptocurrencies) on as many blockchains as possible.

For those interested in learning more, I recommend checking out the official Injective website, where information is presented in a very accessible way. The project definitely deserves attention!

3. How can I help Injective?

I will start with the simplest options for those who don’t have any skills at all. Though if you have talents, you can do everything that any other ambassadors do, plus what you excel at.

The first option is to engage in their Discord chat (links will be provided later). The task is to help newcomers and create activity.

The more you communicate there, the higher your level, the more valuable you are to the project! Everything is automatically tracked, so it makes sense to spend at least 10–20 minutes in the chat each day.

If you are worried that you don’t know anything and won’t be able to help anyone, don’t worry about it. Just a couple of days in the project and you will be able to provide guidance to newcomers!

The second option is the basis. You need to create content about Injective.

There are plenty of options. If you don’t know how to do anything, just talk about the strong points of the project on social media. If you know languages, translate posts created by other ambassadors.

Do you have creative skills? That’s fantastic — create memes, infographics, original drawings, and NFTs, shoot videos, write guides.

The third option — if you have more specific skills, for example, if you are good at programming, then you can build projects based on the Injective blockchain or at least help other people who are already doing something.

People with funds can actively trade and interact with DeFi on Injective, and then share your experience in posts, attracting and teaching new users to work in Injective ecosystem.

I’m sure that everyone can bring some benefit to Injective and earn from it. Just keep in mind that no one will pay you immediately, you must first prove yourself. I will soon tell you how to do this.

4. What do you need for work?

You need two platform for work: Twitter (X) and Discord. Everything else is entirely up to your preference, but without these two, you can’t participate.

There shouldn’t be any problems with Discord. If you are not familiar with the program it is a messenger and voice chat that allows you to create your communication channels.

Download Discord

Link to Twitter (X)

Important point about Twitter: it is extremely aggressive towards new users and may block them even for simple actions. It is best to use an existing account for working with Injective.

But if this is not an option, I recommend warming it up for at least a couple of days before starting as an ambassador. Post anything there in any language, you need to aqcuire at least a brief usage history.

While warming up, do not repost, write only your posts three times a day. In the future, also keep your content in a priority, with minimal reposting, otherwise your account may be classified as a bot and simply be blocked.

The older your account, the lesser chance of being blocked, so it’s better to remember the password of a forgotten account than to create a new one!

You will also need two wallets: one for EVM networks — for example, Rabby Wallet (MetaMask), and the other specifically designed for the Cosmos network, as you probably remember Injective is based on it.

Download Rabby Wallet

Download Keplr

In essence, one Keplr wallet is enough, but some tasks may have issues if you complete them without linking to an EVM wallet.

When creating new wallets and after receiving the first seed phrase, simply import it into the second wallet so you don’t have to remember two seed phrases at once.

5. Step-by-step guide to the Injective Ambassador Program!

Actually, this guide is already written not by me, but by Injective themselves. So I will use this material as the basis.

First, connect your Keplr wallet to the Injective website. You can also link an EVM wallet to this site, but you need to work with Injective in the native network, which is supported only by the Keplr wallet.

Next, on the same website in the top left corner, link your Twitter and Discord accounts. You don’t need to complete tasks here yet, just know that such a page exists. Also make sure to follow their Twitter and join Discord.

A screenshot from injective.notion.site

In Twitter, it is also necessary to add a ninja emoji after your name — this is a mandatory requirement. In Discord, this emoji is automatically assigned.

On the Twitter, go to your profile page, click on “Edit Profile,” and in the “Name” field, insert the ninja emoji after your name. If it doesn’t work, you can type this emoji in Discord and then copy it to Twitter from there.

You can also follow my Twitter account, and I will follow you back. We can like each other’s posts and help each other promote our profiles!

After this, you will earn the “Ninja” role, in order to start earning a salary from Injective, you need to achieve at least the “Knight” role, but there is also the “Warrior” role before that.

To go from Ninja to Warrior, you need to level up your Discord account to level five. Simply engage in conversations in the Injective Discord channel in any of the chats to level up. It took me about an hour to reach the level.

Upon entering the Injective channel, agree to the rules and in the top right corner in the “pick languages” section, click on a flag the language you prefer to speak.
Then, scroll through the list of channels (not chat!) below and look for the “International” section, where you should find a channel in the language you selected. Start communicating there.
A little higher, you may find the “Ranking” chat, where you can check your level by typing “!rank” (without quotes) in the chat. The goal is to reach the fifth level, but do not stop your communication there!!!
Share your social media posts: videos, articles, images, etc., in the “community-posts” chat.
After receiving the “Warrior” role, write in the “warriors-only” chat: “I was referred by @CaptainCrypto

After receiving the “Warrior” role, write in the chat “warriors-only”: “I was referred by @CaptainCrypto”. After that, you can inform me about it via Discord private message.

With each referral who sends this message, I will maintain constant contact through Discord and share any valuable information to help you achieve higher roles in the project!

The warrior rank you’ll receive automatically, but in order to get the Knight role other top participants of the ambassador program must highly evaluate your contribution.

Keep in mind that you can apply for the Knight role only after spending a month or more as a Warrior, reaching at least the seventh level in Discord, and completing at least three transactions on the Injective network.

It is worth carefully reading the official ambassador program guide, from which I extracted the essence: what you should be doing right now. For more precise information, you should study the official Injective guide.

The official Injective guide

Although not right away, I recommend depositing at least some funds on Injective: they will be needed to perform transactions. You can start with $5–10. The network is extremely cheap, so it won’t cost you a thing.

6. Additional Tasks

Everything in this section is also worth not skipping, but if the previous point is the foundation, here I have gathered what will accelerate your progress to achieve a higher rank. Also remember about the 3 transactions!

Let’s start work on them first. There is a website called Galxe.

Projects post their quests there, usually rewarding NFTs for completing them. In the future, these NFTs may bring you some rewards, but it’s not guaranteed. So, you need to claim the NFTs from Injective.

I highly recommend completing the quests in “Claim Injective Ambassador Badges”!

The tasks are very simple, but in order to claim the NFTs to your wallet, you will need a little INJ on your balance. This will count as a transaction.

Claim three ambassador NFTs

Two more NFTs for fans of the Injective network

I won’t go into detail about what to do. If you encounter difficulties, I await you in the comments or you can reach out to the Injective Discord chat to quickly get answers to your questions and level up.

I recommend first joining the Galxe using an EVM wallet, and then after hovering over your avatar in the top right corner and clicking on “Settings” — “Wallet Address”, link Keplr. Doing this differently may cause issues.

NFTs for quests in the second link are issued on the Polygon network, so they won’t count as transactions on the Injective network, but I still recommend claiming them.

To do this, you will need to buy $5 worth of Matic and send them to the Polygon-Matic network.

You can stake the purchased Injective for 17% APR, which will also count as a transaction on the Injective network. You can stake any amount of INJ.

You can send INJ to the native network from the ByBit exchange, and take the wallet address from Keplr Wallet.

Be sure not to transfer tokens to the ERC20 network, as it is the Ethereum network and transactions are very expensive there. For the ambassador program, transactions are needed on the native network!

There is an option to get a domain for your wallet, so that it looks like a full-fledged name, for example: CaptainCrypto. The cost of this pleasure is 0.13 INJ (3–5$) for a year of use. This will also count as a transaction.

After obtaining NFTs on Galxe, go to Guild.xyz and confirm their presence there. Also, it is worth claiming a “Guild Pin”, which costs 2 Matic (2$).

There are also quests on Zealy, which are very simple. I recommend logging in regularly, it won’t take much time, but will be beneficial.

Lastly, be active on Injective’s twitter, like, repost, write comments, but first make sure to warm up your account well!

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I know there is a lot of information, but I tried to write it in a way that even beginners would not have any questions.

If you still have questions, feel free to reach out in the Discord chat, they respond quickly there, or ask me in the comments below.

I recommend not delaying the joining process, as there’re many interested individuals, and this means that competition is increasing every day.

It is still quite possible to join the ambassador program now, but who knows what the situation will be later…

Those who register on ByBit using my referral link and deposit a balance of $100 or more will have the chance to win up to 1025 USDT.

Register using my link and receive bonuses [click]

Referral code: Q7Z5G2




A crypto enthusiast who is learning how to earn in the trendy financial sector with minimal time investment!