Is Milk Acidic? pH Levels & Dairy Products

5 min readFeb 3, 2023


Is milk acidic or alkaline? Whether pasteurized, bottled, or dried, cow’s milk is acidic. Because it contains lactic acid, its pH is low. Other dairy products that contribute to acid production include butter, hard cheese, cottage cheese, and cream. Yogurt/Buttermilk They’re alkaline despite having a pH between 4.4 and 4.8.

In this article, Centralparkwestcafe addresses the question of whether milk is acidic:

Is Milk Acidic?

Milk has an acidic pH level, that’s true. In reality, milk is somewhat acidic, with a pH of 6.5 to 6.7. Because its pH is so near to 7.0, milk is often considered neutral by certain authorities. Lactic acid, found in milk, acts as a proton giver or hydrogen donor.

The pH equivalent of the milk of animals apart from cattle is somewhat on the acidic side. Flaked, whole, and evaporated milk all have somewhat different pH levels. Compared to ordinary milk, colostrum has a lower pH (less than 6.5) and is thus more acidic.

  • Milking Cows:

Cow’s milk is acidic, whether pasteurized, bottled, or powdered. Milk from a cow has a pH that is below 7, about 6.7–6.9

  • Yogurt:

Despite its low pH, yogurt is alkaline-forming 4,5–4,8

  • Goat milk

Goat’s milk pH varies on processing, like cows. Goat milk is alkaline-forming. Most goat milk is pasteurized and acidic.

  • Soymilk

The soybean is the source of soy milk. Soybeans are neutral or alkaline-forming, unlike other legumes, which are acid-forming. Typically, soy milk has an alkalizing effect on the human body.

  • Coconut milk

Coconut milk’s pH impact depends on its production. Coconut milk is acidic when dried, but alkaline when fresh.

  • Oat milk

Acidic oat milk comes from oats. Oats and other grains are acid-forming.

  • Cashew milk

Having cashews in your diet might cause stomach acidity. And so is cashew milk. Besides peanuts, the body also produces acid when it digests walnuts, pistachios, and other nuts.

  • Almond milk

As a food, almonds have an alkaline effect on the human body. The same may be said about almond milk.

Body Effects Of Acidic And Alkaline Meals:

It’s often believed that high-pH meals are alkaline, while low-pH foods are acidic. Actually, the acidity and alkalinity of meals are made up of the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals found in them. In particular, those with preexisting health conditions should be wary of the effects of consuming an excessive amount of acidic meals.

  • If you suffer from acid reflux or heartburn, perhaps switching to a low-acid diet may help. Eating more alkaline foods may be helpful for gout, according to research conducted in Japan. This is because they help neutralize blood acidity.
  • The consumption of alkaline foods, such as fruits and vegetables, will aid in the development and maintenance of muscle mass. Studies have shown that women who consume a diet high in alkaline foods have a lower rate of muscular atrophy as they become older. This might be due to the high levels of minerals such as potassium found in certain meals; potassium helps keep muscles and bones strong. Both acidic and alkaline foods are necessary for a well-rounded diet.

When meals with a pH below 7 don’t completely break down into acidic chemicals, however, things become complex. The pH of undigested lemon, for instance, is below 7. But in the digestive tract, lemon gets broken down into alkaline by-products.

Should You Out Down On Milk?

In order to maintain a healthy pH balance, the human body needs both alkaline-forming and acid-forming nutrients. Consuming food from a variety of sources ensures that you acquire the variety of vitamins and minerals your body needs. Try eating more acidic foods like fish, whole grains, lean meats, and dairy. Meals high in alkalinity, such as leafy greens and fruit, should be eaten in moderation with acidic foods.

Foods that create alkaline in the body should be consumed in greater quantities by those with acid-producing diseases like diabetes. This involves consuming less milk and other dairy products or replacing them with alkaline-forming nut kinds of milk like soy or almond milk.

Should Gastritis Patients Consume Milk?

Milk is acidic but much more mild and weak than stomach acid, thus it is safe for those with stomach discomfort to consume. As a result, it may serve as a buffer to lessen the quantity of acid in the stomach. Milk is a great source of calcium and other minerals, such as vitamins A, B1, B2, E, etc.

People with stomach pain, however, should not consume large quantities of milk; rather, they should drink milk in moderation to ensure optimal nutritional absorption with minimal discomfort. In the following paragraphs, we’ll dive further into the particular advantages of milk for persons with stomach discomfort and how to consume milk safely and effectively.


  • If you have gastrointestinal issues, skim milk is a better choice than whole milk. Skim milk is preferable since it aids digestion and absorption, which means fewer instances of uncomfortable stomach reflux.
  • Do not use very hot or cold water when preparing milk for blended formulas. Infectious diseases may be spread if milk were to be diluted with unclean cold water from the outside. Warm water, between 40 and 45 degrees Celsius, is preferable to hot water since it will not harm the good bacteria in the milk.
  • More nutrients may be absorbed by the body and stomach ache can be mitigated if milk is combined with bread first thing in the morning. Bread’s dry qualities, especially its high capacity for absorbing water, make it ideal for neutralizing and soaking up excess gastric juice. By doing so, the stomach lining will be protected from the corrosive effects of acid and pepsin.
  • For those who have experienced lactose intolerance in the past, lactose-free milk is the best option. Because lactose may be fermented and metabolized by the body even if it is not tolerated. Acidity in the stomach is increased by the production of short-chain fatty acids during this process, which may be painful.
  • Soy milk should not be consumed by those who often experience abdominal discomfort. The reason for this is that Oxalate, which is found in soy milk, contributes to digestion issues and stomach acidity.

