{ DAO Efficiency } for Corporate Structures and { Democracy }

cr0n _dist0rti0n
9 min readDec 17, 2023


Let’s start with a question: What is the most wasteful variable in a corporation or governance structure? Redundancy of human tasks. This redundancy problem of efficiency is in large part a problem of (t)rust within corporate/social structures and between corporate/social relationships. This { Redundancy of Truthfulness Inefficiency } can be solved with Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). In the end, all problems are just equations waiting to be solved…

Now some might suggest what I’m advocating for is the elimination of jobs through the automating factors of DAOs. I have one answer for that:


Let me restructure the fundamentals of that statement -> I am advocating for the release of humans from menial redundancies so that we can free them up for more nobler human endeavours. While I’m sure many might call this just linguistic aerobatics to distance my argument from the fact that the organisational efficiencies of DAOs will cause certain jobs in that organisation to be no longer valuable, or, for lack of a better word, the jobs will be:


To FLUSH PRIVILEGES; of this argument, let’s start with how DAOs are effectively { Self-Sovereign } entities. Let’s define this compound-variable
{ Self-Sovereign }. The OED (Oxford English Dictionary) defines sovereign as:

“One who has supremacy or rank above, or authority over, others; a superior; a ruler, governor, lord, or master (of persons, etc.).”
- https://www.oed.com/dictionary/sovereign_n

This definition is wholly inadequate for our musings. We need to !invert that expression. For our thought experiment here we will use { Sovereign } to mean:

A social structure which cannot be influenced by anything other than itself. Fully autonomous social structures which are supra-judicial to anything other than the governance system enacted by the social structure itself.

The word { Self } in { Self-Sovereign } can be seen as a redundancy adjective which emphasises the { Sovereign } autonomy.

Now, let’s reduce a DAO to its very basic part -> the: smartContract. Effectively, a DAO is just an elaborate immutably validated: smartContract. What is a: smartContract, you ask? Think about it like a legal document that will never need to be argued about in court and has no legal jurisdictional presence other than those in which the DAO seeks to engage. In other words, DAOs are legal { Sovereigns }. This is due to the unique nature of DAOs once the “sudo code” has been removed:

Blockchain:~$sudo rm sudo

Think of a “sudo code” like the ultimate gaming cheat code in any Blockchain. Once that gaming cheat code is removed, the only way to change a: runTime or a: smartContract execution, would be through a vote in the { On Chain Governance }. Every { Supreme Court } in every country along with the Hague and UN could order that blockchain to change, but it would not unless the membership votes in favour of that { Supreme Court Ruling }. Blockchain is effectively an immutable { Logical Contract Machine } and DAOs are a { Social Dialectic Interaction Machine }. They are logic machines that are immutable, or unchangeable. There are only two ways to change a blockchain’s: runTime execution ->

  1. Buy Tokens, put forth a resolution, wait for the voting results.
  2. Shutdown the chain itself.

Now the problem with number two, even for { Governments with Big Weapons that Blow Shit Up }, is that IF the blockchain is sufficiently distributed across enough jurisdictions and enough geographical places on earth, you would have to basically nuke the whole earth to stop that blockchain’s: runTime execution; and that assumes there isn’t a deep underground blockchain miner/validator/farmer. This probably puts into perspective why America is having such a hard time with reconciling its power position in the world against a { Blockchain Sovereign }. This { Sovereignty } becomes magnified when { Critical Enterprise Infrastructure } is being built on blockchains like Polkadot. You can’t just:

Blockchain:~$sudo systemctl stop Critical_Infrastructure

People and businesses get a little pissy with that kind of thing. Particularly in “Democracies” { Representative }. It would be like shutting down the internet.

Let me take a step back here and say that, while the core reality of a { Sufficiently Decentralized nonSudo Blockchain } does effectively give it { Sovereignty }, this isn’t to suggest { Governments } can’t create laws around participating in certain blockchains/DAOs; furthermore, it also doesn’t preclude DAOs and { Governments } from creating say a:

smartContract execute { Supreme_Court_Decisions }

Yet the very fact that { Governments } would have to engage DAOs on a Sovereign to { Sovereign } basis rubs many governments the wrong way; I would suggest this

: Sovereign == { Sovereign } :

is the reason for all the dithering by certain governments we all know and love. All this said, governments are not without their regulating tools; however, the fact that blockchains cannot be shutdown by any number of collective governments { Present Exhibit A: Monero } and that blockchains can create binding contracts that are supra-legal, puts the { Self-Soverign Blockchains } in a unique space regarding their counter position to
{ Government }.

There is a significant footnote to this which is that word again:
{ Decentralization }. If the DAO is small enough, and concentrated in particular jurisdictions, governments certainly do have the power to shutdown and { Oppress DAO Evolution }. Yet if you take a DAO like Polkadot, which has a myriad of holders across a myriad of jurisdictions and on which critical infrastructure is being built; they effectively become: { Self-Sovereign }. Let me take this a step further and put this into juxtaposition with Murray Bookchin’s articulation of a { Libertarian Municipalism }. An Anarcho-Comunialism dialectic centred around logical consensus building. Critics, as Bookchin writes, stat the impracticality of organising the chaos of critical mass into a true { Libertarian Municipalism } dialectic:

Strangely, many life-style anarchists, who, like New Age visionaries, have a remarkable ability to imagine changing everything tend to raise strong objections when they are asked to actually change anything in the existing society — except to cultivate greater “self-expression,” have more mystical reveries, and turn their anarchism into an art form, retreating into social quietism. When critics of libertarian municipalism bemoan the prohibitively large number of people who are likely to attend municipal assemblies or function as active participants in them — and question how “practical” such assemblies could be — in large cities like New York, Mexico City, and Tokyo, may I suggest that a Communalist approach raises the issue of whether we can indeed change the existing society at all and achieve the “Commune of communes.”

While I appreciate Bookchin’s exuberance, there is a logistical challenge to the problem of mass collective engagment in { Libertarian Municipalism }. My personal experience during the Occupy Vancouver movement, full of Nobel anarchist goals of disordered consensus, was that the dialectic invariably degrades into a lack of crystallisation

{ Diffused into total Disorder }

This isn’t to suggest Occupy Vancouver, or the Occupy Movement as a whole, was not worth the social exercise. It was. The brief flickering Occupy Movement suggested that there were other ways of formulating a socio-political consensus be it public or corporate. Vancouver itself has a strong anarchist history and I’m glad I was able to participate during that { Anarchist Social Experiment }. Yet what was most interesting for me in that experience was the zest for a { Libertarian Municipalism } embedded in the Occupy Movement. Similar to Bitcoin, Occupy was born of the 2008 Financial Crisis. As Occupy briefly crystialized, like a flicker of guiding light, the technological innovation which could birth { Libertarian Municipalism } into a reality was born: { Blockchain }. Quincidence? An anarcho-collective-consciousness-crystializng in different ways? Probably just Serendipity…



~ is ~

~ radical ~

{ d - e - c - e - n - t - r - a - l - i- z - a - t - i- o - n }

{ de -> for - m - u - l - a - t - i - o - n }

of (c)-

{ the dispersion of disorder }
{ crystallised in }


import socialRunTime

daoDialectic = prompt("Please insert DAO dialectics: ");

praxis(problemDialectic) {
let DAO_TrustlessDialogicConsensusLogic = [];
for (let problem = 0, problem <= problemDialectic.length, problem++) {
return DAO_TrustlessDialogicConsensusLogic;

socialPraxis = praxis(daoDialectic);


I digress … back to DAOs and their efficiency effect of Corporate Management. One of the primary efficiency factors for a DAO is its automation of Trustless “business logic” — — or let us say a: { Trustless Dialogic Consensus Logic } — — Basically blockchains and DAOs solve the problem of (t)rust between business, or any social/contractual, engagement/relationship. Up to this point banks, businesses and governments had a system of redundancies and checks/balances. These were needed for (t)rust to be built in the redundant verification process of transactions or contractual agreements. Blockchain and DAOs dismember this system and eliminates this archaic (t)rust producing redundancy architecture from: Business, Corporations and our Political Dialectics. DAOs represent the { Digitization } of { Face-to-Face Democracy }, that { Dialogic Consensus } social interaction in Athenian Democracy (sans all the nasty Slavery, Torcher and other Brutish Behaviours … ). This capacity for an immutable and verifiable { Trustless Dialogic Consensus Logic } will shift the course of humanity. I do not say this lightly but from historical records all significant advancements in communication were { Leading Indicators } of significant leaps in human advancement and innovation both social and { ?economically? } …

DAOs will have a totally altering effect on banks who have created a system of redundancies { And the Fees to Go with It } due to the problem of (t)rust in a social transaction. Prior to { Self-Sovereign Blockchains } and their: smartContracts > these redundancies were necessary to minimise the loss of (t)rust through (f)raud. Yet the problem of (t)rust has now created a bloated banking and corporate sector with its own intrenched bureaucracies and ideas about the: Divine_Rights_of_Certain_Men. Which is a variable that == Bank CEOs like JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon. While he would “shutdown crypto” his institution of bloated fraud … shit … I mean (b)ank … has a significant blockchain development program. So the aristocratic subtext to Jamie’s congressional comment was a belief that this technology should be controlled by “the right kind of people”. Another word for believing certain people’s natural supremacy over others is called: fascism. Take that correlation (not causation) for what it is worth.

I think Jamie is just pissed that he is not Divine and DAOs have a { Self-Sovereignty } of which Jamie Dimon could only dream in his { Corporate Hell Hole }.

Keep drooling Jamie … but you ain’t gettin’ ‘dis → Sovereignty Blocked!

I would like to pause here and think about that for a second … { Sovereignty Dispersed } … The gift of { Sovereignty }, and the disruption of Sovereignty, comes through its radical decentralisation of the collective will into a unifying order -> one might say a Anarcho-Communalism realized through decentralized automation of legal agreements = smartContracts = { Trustless Dialogic Consensus Logic }.


Lets look at it from the span of time and zooming out. DAOs are a new social construct. These decentralized social structures are a radical transformation from the God(men) Pharaohs of Egypt to -> the Divine Right of Kings to -> our current Democratic Representative Sovereigns, which represent the decentralization of the Guilded/Feudal age. Blockchain now sits as one of the { Pillars of Human Social Evolution } → { Immutably Verifiable Decentralization }. Putting blockchain through that lens offers some truly awesome potential of its inevitable effect over a long enough human timeline -> centuries / millennia. As long as a blockchain’s: runTime execution — is happening, it becomes ageless. Sovereignly trapped in a timeless state.

~ The infinite immutable verifiability of social interaction ~

Thats pretty cool…

Banks will be hardest hit ~ my smallest violin is now playing ~, or most radically changed, in the long run by DAOs and Blockchain efficiency → hence JP Morgan’s lash out due to Jamie’s irrelevance in the face of the { Self-Sovereign Blockchain }. This efficiency effect will purge the bloated capitalist structures which had its death knell in the 2008 Financial Collapse. We now can envision a new { Economic }:

Blockchain:~$ sudo apt-get --purge BloatedCorporateStructures

This { Libertarian Municipalism } flickered in the Occupy Movement > but became realised in DAO/Blockchain. { Not to Despair } - New beginnings create new opportunities for humans to pursue even more fantastical endeavours like building a Moon base and having a permanent presence on Mars.

And No: this will not come about through the trickledown economics revamped into the pretty little bow of Sam Bankman-Fried’s “Effective Altruism” [sic].

It will happen because a new human innovation has transformed humanity’s (t)rust relationship into a { Trustless Dialogic Consensus Logic } dialectic.

This human innovation is just a simple variable fraction:

— — — — — — — —

… Do you get it now? …

cr0n_dist0rti0n holds and stakes Polkadot, holds and mines Monero, and is a Ambassador for the InvArch Network.



cr0n _dist0rti0n

~*~Anarchical@~ism~*~ Blockchain ~ .DAOs ~ Decentralization ~ Distributed Networks ~ | https://cr0n.xyz | ~ The_Kusamarian ~ ~ 🪐 InvArch Ambassador 🪐 ~