DIY Septic Tank Treatment Tips for Homeowners

2 min readMay 8, 2024

As a homeowner, proper maintenance of your septic tank is essential to prevent costly repairs and ensure the longevity of your system. While professional septic tank servicing is recommended every 3–5 years, there are also DIY treatments you can do to keep your septic tank running smoothly. Here are some tips for DIY septic tank treatment:

  1. Use a bacterial additive: Adding a septic tank treatment that contains beneficial bacteria to your system can help break down waste and prevent clogs. These additives can be purchased at hardware stores or online and are safe for your septic system.

2. Avoid harsh chemicals: When cleaning your home, be mindful of the products you use. Harsh chemicals can kill the beneficial bacteria in your septic tank and disrupt the balance of the system. Instead, opt for environmentally friendly cleaners or make your own using vinegar and baking soda.

3. Monitor water usage: Excessive water usage can overwhelm your septic system and lead to backups or leaks. Be mindful of your water usage by fixing any leaks, installing low-flow fixtures, and spacing out laundry and showers throughout the week.

4. Regularly pump your tank: While professional pumping is necessary every few years, you can also monitor the level of solids in your tank and pump it before it becomes too full. A general rule of thumb is to pump your septic tank when the solids reach one-third of the tank’s capacity.

5. Maintain your drain field: The drain field plays a crucial role in the septic system by filtering out contaminants and allowing treated wastewater to be absorbed into the soil. To maintain your drain field, avoid planting trees or shrubs near it, do not drive or park heavy vehicles on top of it, and divert surface water away from it.

By following these DIY septic tank treatment tips, you can prolong the life of your septic system and avoid costly repairs. Remember that proper maintenance is key to a healthy septic tank and a happy home.

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